January 05, 2017

Ugly sweaters week at Mac-Hi

     As you might already know, on the last week of school in December before winter vacation, we have a contest that is not just an ordinary contest. It’s an ugly sweater contest! Mac-Hi has had this for two years, and our principal, Ms. Vaughan says, “I love the ugly sweater contest because it’s so fun!” About 15 kids participated last year, and Ms. Vaughan says that when she was a middle school principal in Baker City, everybody would participate, and their contests were nearly a month long.
     This contest will start on Monday, December 12 and end on the 16th (Friday). On Friday, we will have an assembly at 12:18, and the people that participate in this contest will walk across the stage in the auditorium. The students who get the most cheers will win. Ms. Vaughan says that first, second or third place and will get surprise prizes, so be sure to wear the ugliest sweater you have! ☆

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