January 10, 2017

Medical Terminology: The reborn class

By Suelaima Ramos

Medical Terminology is a class that is coming back to Mcloughlin High School. Medical Terminology is a one semester elective course, and it is going to introduce students to special language used in health care professions. They will spend time on word parts and how they combine them to form medical terms and teach about the different systems of the body. The class is organized by anatomical systems, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, nervous, special senses, integumentary, endocrine, and reproductive. It plans to give students opportunities to investigate different health careers and analyze differences in health careers.
This class is a great class for those students that are curious or interested in going into the health field. Students gain important skills, knowledge, and tools to help them in potential health field careers. They will get the opportunity to complete a job shadow where they will get to participate in healthcare industry first hand  through 8 hours of job shadowing and community projects. This is the second year this course has been taught here at Mac-Hi since it was brought back last year.
Ms. Vaughan and Mr. Mitchell are working together with Eastern Oregon University to get college credit through EOU for students who pass this class. There are no pre-requirements to take this class, but it helps if the student has already taken their general health courses and some general science courses before taking this class. Those that have taken an anatomy/ physiology before this have especially been very successful in the class, but there is a lot of in-class work and some outside homework. “The more students put into the class, the more they will get out of it,” says the class’s teacher, Mr. Mitchell.

Students will learn the language used in the health field and will learn about and talk about  controversial issues related to health care. Students will learn about the social determinants of health. They will get the opportunity to look into and talk about medical law and ethics. They will also learn about emergency preparedness and develop a emergency plan and kit. Students will learn general principles of nutrition.They will also be introduced to practical clinical skills such as proper technique for accurately assessing patient's blood pressure, respiration rate, pulse, and temperature. Our principal, Ms. Vaughan, would recommend this class if you are interested in going into the medical career because it could help prepare you.

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