January 10, 2017

Getting to know some Mac-Hi’s foreign exchange students


We all know them, and perhaps we, all in a way, even admire them. And everything they say just sounds so hilarious. Nothing brightens up a day more than their foreign accents. And they come from all over the world only to attend the American McLoughlin High School. Some people come to the U.S. because of the culture or because of freedom, and sometimes (in my case) even only because the food.
Tuva Norstrom, a 17 year old girl from Norway, on the other hand has some reasonable arguments why she chose this country. Tuva basically just came to the States because of the wonderful world of High School Musical and, of course, McDonald's. But no, don’t think of her as another basic foreigner that judges everything based on the outside appearance. She is a very special human being that enhances everyone's day only with her wonderful smile and her bright positive attitude. I love being around her just because of her amazing personality. Sometimes she is making the day feel like it was meant to be.
Another special snowflake that chose Mac-Hi for her exchange year is Julie Nymann Rasmussen, who is looking for a completely new experience, a new life with new friends and a lot lot lot of fast food. Since she went on her road trip to the Oregon and California coast, she enjoys every single day and is taking every chance to see something new. She is just one of those people that is just down for basically everything.
Those are just two of our four foreign exchange students, to learn more about them, just talk about them, you won’t regret it.

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