January 10, 2017

Absolutely Amazing Art


Image result for art paintingsOn Saturday December 10 through Sunday December 18 there will be a art show at the Arts Portal Gallery on 508 N. Main Street. This will be for McLoughlin students, Central students, and Telara McCullough, who is a felted wool fiber artist. The reason for this art show is to help “young aspiring artists who are looking at other artwork for inspiration.”

Mrs. Burnham is a new teacher here at McLoughlin High School. Though she is a new teacher at Mac-Hi, this is not her first year teaching. Mrs. Burnham has been teaching for  10  years now. She says that what got her interested in art is  when she was in elementary school, she always loved it when teachers let the students create art. She says,  “The freedom of expression through art inspires me to paint and sculpt.”

Many students enjoy the process of making-and pushing themselves to develop something artistic and original that is an extension of who they are. Some current projects Mrs. Burnham’s classes are doing now are grid drawings of animals, and they are also choosing from two projects: Kaleidoscope Names or Shattered Images. Mrs. Burnham also plans on doing tie-dye themed snowflakes.

Since this is a December Christmas article, I asked Mrs. Burnham some holiday-themed questions. Her family’s Holiday Traditions are going to Christmas Eve church service together, and on Christmas Morning they all have Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. Her favorite go-to Christmas holiday recipe is marshmallow fudge. Lastly, her favorite Holiday is Christmas, of course! She loves the “REAL” story behind the holiday and the true meaning of JOY in this world She says she will always have hope for Peace on Earth.

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