January 27, 2017

Reasons not to drop out


There was a lot of students at one point that dropped out of high school. My sisters also dropped out of high school, they told me not to make the same mistake. My sister Hannah dropped out of high school. She was in 12th grade with only 3 more credits to go. The reasons she dropped out of high school was getting into 3 fights, what started those fights were name calling and someone hitting her.

My other sister Stephanie dropped out of high school as well, she left high school in 10th grade. She left because she was pregnant and didn’t need all the stress and attention. But she actually got her GED after a couple of years, she’s very proud of that. “My only regret is having my daughter at such a young age, I would rather have waited after high school.” she says.

There are various of consequences for dropping out of high school. Such as, not that good of jobs without diploma jobs without diplomas most likely have low paying, not very great college opportunities,

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