January 10, 2017

Lady Pioneers: the comeback begins

“One never knows how a season will turn out.” Ms. Garton, who has been the head coach for the Lady Pioneers basketball team since last year, has been excited to start this year’s season since last years season was over. Garton has been coaching various levels of basketball for over 10 years. During her Mac-Hi experience, she has been an assistant coach in 2008  and in 2015, but she also became the head coach in 2015. She had stated that last year was exciting because the Lady Pioneers made state play-ins for the first time in 20 years!
This year, Ms. Garton is very confident and excited to see the girls basketball team grow a strong bond together, and putting in hard work out in the basketball court. The varsity girls first game was very close with College Place High School, but unfortunately lost by just 3 points, 34-37. 2nd game wasn’t their best with Riverside with the score being 18-45. 3rd game against Waitsburg was their first win of the season, the score being 40-31. Their recent game with union, they lost, 27-49. So far, Ms. Gartons goal is for the players to play “classy,” which means the players respect the referees, have grit, and help any player that is on the floor. As a head, coach she does feel pressured, maybe just like any other head coach, but she feels very supported by the Mac-Hi and Milton-Freewater community. She enjoys being head coach and likes the challenge of studying other teams and figuring out how the Lady Pioneers can use their strengths to come out with a win. “It is very rewarding to see girls succeed on the basketball court both individually and as part of the team,” she said.
Mckenna Yensen, a Junior this year, on the varsity team said, “ I think as the season goes on we will be able to work better as a team. I think we have all been getting along well and it's a fun group of girls.”

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