January 27, 2017

Forensics class doing a cool project for finals (radio story)

Listen to Audio recording here.

By Jasveer Sandhu and Cynthia Lozano

We chose a story to write about Ms. Garton’s Forensics class that is doing a cool thing for the finals. We chose this story because Ms. Garton is doing a totally different thing for finals than the other classes. In that class, Ms. Garton gave students a project in which they have to research about the criminal cases. These criminal cases pretty much covers everything about forensic science that the students have learned in this class.

Story Transcript
Jasveer:  Hi, Ms. Garton, my name is Jasveer.
Cynthia: And my name is Cynthia, we are here today to interview you about the project that your forensics class is doing for final. (Now, questioning to the teacher) Ms. Garton what are you making the students to do for forensics finals?

Ms. Garton: Students this year get to choose a famous criminal, and they have to do a little bit of background on the criminal, and explain what their life was, how they grew up, and also talk a little about their crimes.The final piece to the project will be creating a poster that has the information on it, and it would include a paragraph about the forensics of the criminal case. So, whether or not the criminal was caught, and what kind of evidence was used. The hope is that students will be able to study lots of different forensics that were used in the past to solve cases.

Jasveer: How did you come up with this idea?

Ms.Garton: I've done a project in the past on famous criminals and students have really enjoyed it. So the biggest challenge for me was to try and figure out how I could make it into a final project, that kinda brought everything we learned in class. I basically started out with something  new the students would enjoy doing, because I know if students enjoy a project, a lot of times the quality of the project is so much better. If they're not excited about it, and I just try to pull in that peace where they have to give some information that would apply to things we have learned out the semester.

Jasveer: Would you recommend this same activity in the future, to teach other students too?
Ms.Garton: We will see how it goes, this not the first time I have not made my students take like a paper and pencil, multiple choice, or essay final for this class. If the end protect ends up being pretty good, which i'm anticipating it will be, i think it could be something that will be done in class more often. Like i said i think it's going to be a good project and students are already finding interesting information to share with me and their fellow students.

Jasveer: Thank you so much Ms.Garton, that you helped us.

At the end, we would say that this project is very interesting because the students got to learn about the famous criminals and they got to know how the crime was committed and how forensic science contributed to help to solve the cases. Mr. Garton chose to do it because the cases that the students are doing wrap up all the knowledge that the students gained in the semester. It is special because it tells the students how they can review all the things that they have learned in the whole semester by doing only a small project.

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