January 10, 2017

5 College application tips from our school counselor, Jeff Bockert

By: Jessica Burks

With Christmas break coming up, it would be smart for seniors to think about starting their college applications. Mr. Bockert started off by telling me even as a freshman to start early and stay organized throughout high school. He told me that it is good to apply to a range of schools such as universities and also to trust your instincts and/or your intuition. He also told me, “When I was a senior in high school, I really wanted to go to UCLA, but I was scared to be so far away from home, so I ended up going to the University of Washington.” And he continued, “When I started my football season there, I had a bad feeling about the coach, and I ended up transferring to a school that was closer to home.”  He said that the point of the story is to try different things. “Don’t just settle for something. Keep fighting for different things that you want to do,” Mr. Bockert said. Here are some bullet points of his 5 tips:

  • Start early, so that by the end of junior year, you have applied to 5 or more schools
  • Apply to a range of schools if possible
  • Trust your instincts
  • Try different things
  • Keep fighting until you get the thing you want

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