January 27, 2017

Before We Break: Three Mac-Hi girls start their own rock band


They started out as nobodies. They are still nobodies. But they have a dream that someday they can be nobodys that inspire other nobodies to be the best nobodies that they can be.

Screenshot 2017-01-25 at 9.24.32 AM.pngBefore We Break is a band here at Mac-High. They formed only weeks ago and still have a long way to go. You’re probably wondering by now who they are……

First, we have, Jazmyn Schmaltz, band captain.

Then, we have, Jasmine Sears, singer one.

Last, we have, Mckenna Stallings, singer three.

Sticker Project in Tech Class

By Johann Rodriguez

The story of a puppy

By Abby Richwine

Concussions and their long-term effects

By Dylan Quist & Austin Leonetti 

What is a concussion? A concussion is a when your brain is affected by a blunt force. Usually a concussion happens during sports as there are three million U.S. cases a  year. The symptoms of concussions include headaches, confusion, memory loss, nausea, vomiting, dizziness,sleepiness, and excessive fatigue. The most common sport for a concussion to take place in is football. What many people do not know about concussions is that they have long term affects on your memory as well as any other symptoms. The long term cause is known as CTE, or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. CTE is what happens after your brain suffers enough concussions as the symptoms begin 8-10 years afterwards. The symptoms that you suffered during concussions begin to become regular. When people first discovered CTE they began thinking more and more about concussions and how it would affect their lives after they had retired from their respective sports. From a test by Boston College on former NFL players, 90 of 94 tested positive for CTE. So why do people continue to play sports that could lead to concussions and CTE? Are they not concerned about their brain health? According to Gary Robertson, when asked about why he thinks athletes still play contact sports with the risks of permanently damaging their brains, he said “The benefits of team sports, of contact sports, just in general of what it does for their individual growth, it’s pretty significant. When it comes to the dangers of a concussion, concussions typically happen when someone is making a mistake. It’s my job as a coach to minimize these mistakes. Their are guys who have played their entire high school career, their entire college career, without getting a concussion. There are guys that have gone through the pros without getting a concussion, so really it’s just the function of technique and putting yourself in a better situation so you don’t get yourself in a bind.” So the theory of how to prevent concussions is to have better technique. However, even if you had the best technique in the world, would you still want to play sports that could risk your entire life?

Reasons not to drop out


There was a lot of students at one point that dropped out of high school. My sisters also dropped out of high school, they told me not to make the same mistake. My sister Hannah dropped out of high school. She was in 12th grade with only 3 more credits to go. The reasons she dropped out of high school was getting into 3 fights, what started those fights were name calling and someone hitting her.

My other sister Stephanie dropped out of high school as well, she left high school in 10th grade. She left because she was pregnant and didn’t need all the stress and attention. But she actually got her GED after a couple of years, she’s very proud of that. “My only regret is having my daughter at such a young age, I would rather have waited after high school.” she says.

There are various of consequences for dropping out of high school. Such as, not that good of jobs without diploma jobs without diplomas most likely have low paying, not very great college opportunities,

Forensics class doing a cool project for finals (radio story)

Listen to Audio recording here.

By Jasveer Sandhu and Cynthia Lozano

We chose a story to write about Ms. Garton’s Forensics class that is doing a cool thing for the finals. We chose this story because Ms. Garton is doing a totally different thing for finals than the other classes. In that class, Ms. Garton gave students a project in which they have to research about the criminal cases. These criminal cases pretty much covers everything about forensic science that the students have learned in this class.

Story Transcript
Jasveer:  Hi, Ms. Garton, my name is Jasveer.
Cynthia: And my name is Cynthia, we are here today to interview you about the project that your forensics class is doing for final. (Now, questioning to the teacher) Ms. Garton what are you making the students to do for forensics finals?

Ms. Garton: Students this year get to choose a famous criminal, and they have to do a little bit of background on the criminal, and explain what their life was, how they grew up, and also talk a little about their crimes.The final piece to the project will be creating a poster that has the information on it, and it would include a paragraph about the forensics of the criminal case. So, whether or not the criminal was caught, and what kind of evidence was used. The hope is that students will be able to study lots of different forensics that were used in the past to solve cases.

Jasveer: How did you come up with this idea?

Ms.Garton: I've done a project in the past on famous criminals and students have really enjoyed it. So the biggest challenge for me was to try and figure out how I could make it into a final project, that kinda brought everything we learned in class. I basically started out with something  new the students would enjoy doing, because I know if students enjoy a project, a lot of times the quality of the project is so much better. If they're not excited about it, and I just try to pull in that peace where they have to give some information that would apply to things we have learned out the semester.

Jasveer: Would you recommend this same activity in the future, to teach other students too?
Ms.Garton: We will see how it goes, this not the first time I have not made my students take like a paper and pencil, multiple choice, or essay final for this class. If the end protect ends up being pretty good, which i'm anticipating it will be, i think it could be something that will be done in class more often. Like i said i think it's going to be a good project and students are already finding interesting information to share with me and their fellow students.

Jasveer: Thank you so much Ms.Garton, that you helped us.

At the end, we would say that this project is very interesting because the students got to learn about the famous criminals and they got to know how the crime was committed and how forensic science contributed to help to solve the cases. Mr. Garton chose to do it because the cases that the students are doing wrap up all the knowledge that the students gained in the semester. It is special because it tells the students how they can review all the things that they have learned in the whole semester by doing only a small project.

The Wrong and Right Way to Eat Sushi

By Tyra Chester

Morning & Night Routine Life Hacks

By Jessica Burks & Maddie Edwards

How to Annoy Your Parents

By Jessica Burks & Maddie Edwards

January 10, 2017

Angelic voices at Christmas choir concert?


What is the best part of Christmas?
Could it be the lights? Or the smells. Perhaps it’s the food. All of theses things are great. However, it’s the music that makes the season.
Both Crimson and Black and the concert choir want to help get you into the Christmas spirit by performing both traditional and nontraditional songs for your entertainment; some of the songs being performed include “On with the Snow”,”First Noel,” and “At Christmas.”
You can catch this performance on December 15th in the Jack Williams auditorium at 7:00.If you bring small children and they are being loud, please be considerate and take your child out of the auditorium until it quiets down,and if you feel the sudden urge to speak, just don't! It is rude to speak during a performance.

Mac-Hi’s choir director, Melissa Cunnington,and all of the students are excited to bring you the best holiday concert possible. See you there!

Medical Terminology: The reborn class

By Suelaima Ramos

Medical Terminology is a class that is coming back to Mcloughlin High School. Medical Terminology is a one semester elective course, and it is going to introduce students to special language used in health care professions. They will spend time on word parts and how they combine them to form medical terms and teach about the different systems of the body. The class is organized by anatomical systems, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, nervous, special senses, integumentary, endocrine, and reproductive. It plans to give students opportunities to investigate different health careers and analyze differences in health careers.
This class is a great class for those students that are curious or interested in going into the health field. Students gain important skills, knowledge, and tools to help them in potential health field careers. They will get the opportunity to complete a job shadow where they will get to participate in healthcare industry first hand  through 8 hours of job shadowing and community projects. This is the second year this course has been taught here at Mac-Hi since it was brought back last year.
Ms. Vaughan and Mr. Mitchell are working together with Eastern Oregon University to get college credit through EOU for students who pass this class. There are no pre-requirements to take this class, but it helps if the student has already taken their general health courses and some general science courses before taking this class. Those that have taken an anatomy/ physiology before this have especially been very successful in the class, but there is a lot of in-class work and some outside homework. “The more students put into the class, the more they will get out of it,” says the class’s teacher, Mr. Mitchell.

Students will learn the language used in the health field and will learn about and talk about  controversial issues related to health care. Students will learn about the social determinants of health. They will get the opportunity to look into and talk about medical law and ethics. They will also learn about emergency preparedness and develop a emergency plan and kit. Students will learn general principles of nutrition.They will also be introduced to practical clinical skills such as proper technique for accurately assessing patient's blood pressure, respiration rate, pulse, and temperature. Our principal, Ms. Vaughan, would recommend this class if you are interested in going into the medical career because it could help prepare you.

Soccer: the beautiful game

By Johann Rodriguez

This year was a great year to be on the field. Soccer players had a great season but ended up losing in the quarter finals. Our goal was to use the hard work we put into every practice in every game. Every game was a new challenge for us. We had to give it our all every single game no matter what. We trained for the moment on the field. We never gave up. Giving up is the worst thing we could possibly do. We have the best team in the state, and that’s a fact.

In the game against Madras, we gave it our all. It was the worst game we have ever played. There was no chemistry in that game whatsoever.  We messed up a lot. We had the game, but we just lost it. It was a depressing moment for all of us. We lost possession, we didn’t chase after players, we didn’t keep our heads up, and we didn’t do much right. At halftime, I tried to pump the team up. I wanted to give them energy to finish the game strong with a win. Adrian Martinez, a junior soccer player, tried to pump the team up as well. He knew we were down, but he had hope. Everyone was ready and pumped up. But when the second half started, sadly, Adrian got hurt. He was on the grass yelling in pain grabbing his knee. It was such a sad moment to see a great player fall in pain. Adrian was taken to the hospital… The game end as 3-2 with Madras taking the win.

That was such a sad ending to see every Pioneer player cry and have their heads down. This game meant a lot to us. We wanted to win for the seniors since they are so important to us. The help us with everything, they have taught us how to be great people on and off the field. They have watched out for us and made sure that we wouldn’t take the wrong path. I’m glad to call them my family. They are so important to me. It was so sad the seeing the seniors cry knowing the will never get another chance to win state during high school. All six of them have a great future ahead of them. The seniors are Juan Salazar, Mark Lua, Humberto Villagomez, Eduardo Corona, Carlos Epifanio, and Sabas Rodriguez. I hope all of them go to college, continue to play soccer, graduate, and end up going pro. Much love for them. Next year we’ll try our best to go to state and win for ourselves and them.

WE MAC! 2016 boys basketball


Varsity tourney.jpg McLoughlin High School’s boys varsity team has had an amazing start to their season. Opening up the season for the team was a home tournament which led to success.
December 1st, 2016 was the date that Mac-Hi held a late fourth quarter lead over College Place High School to clinch their first victory of the season. This first victory made for a long day on Saturday because with the victory came a late game against Touchet. The boys played an excellent game on defense and held  the opposing team, the Touchet Indians, to one shot, resulting in a Mac-Hi victory.
The final score of the game against College Place High School was 37 (MHS) - 31 (CPHS), And the final score against Touchet High School was 45 (MHS) - 42 (THS). These two victories put the boys to a 2-0 start to the season, but that undefeated record came to a short halt on Tuesday, December 6 when Waitsburg High school came out with the victory over Mac-Hi. The final score against the Waitsburg Cardinals was 41 (Waitsburg) - 31 (MHS). However they suffered defeat, and the Pioneer boys planned on firing back the in weekend a tournament in Umatilla, where they opened up against the Umatilla Vikings.

Sadly, the tournament over the weekend came to a short end after only two games played due to poor road conditions. The Mac-Hi Boys lost against Umatilla on Thursday night, but they came back the next day to triumph over Echo in a poor victory as many would call a game with so many fouls and rough playing. However a win is still a win.

Winter Conditioning: The Unknown Workouts


Winter conditioning is a program that the old track coach John Milleson runs. This is a workout program designed to keep McLoughlin High School athletes in shape, or to even get into better shape over the winter. This is when most athletes start to slack when it comes to working out due to the large amounts of holidays around this time period.
Basketball and wrestling are the two sports that are offered during the winter, so if you are not a fan of either of these sports but want to keep fit before spring sports start, try it out. John Milleson (Captain) has a schedule for the workouts: every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:30.

Now, let’s talk about the workouts you can expect. Keep in mind that these workouts are to get you back in shape, so they consist of lifting and running. Athletes that regularly participate frequently in winter conditioning will see a result when spring sports roll around. Year-round athletes are also able to participate in winter conditioning. Feel free to go down to the weight room, and participate in these workouts with Mr. Milleson.

Lady Pioneers: the comeback begins

“One never knows how a season will turn out.” Ms. Garton, who has been the head coach for the Lady Pioneers basketball team since last year, has been excited to start this year’s season since last years season was over. Garton has been coaching various levels of basketball for over 10 years. During her Mac-Hi experience, she has been an assistant coach in 2008  and in 2015, but she also became the head coach in 2015. She had stated that last year was exciting because the Lady Pioneers made state play-ins for the first time in 20 years!
This year, Ms. Garton is very confident and excited to see the girls basketball team grow a strong bond together, and putting in hard work out in the basketball court. The varsity girls first game was very close with College Place High School, but unfortunately lost by just 3 points, 34-37. 2nd game wasn’t their best with Riverside with the score being 18-45. 3rd game against Waitsburg was their first win of the season, the score being 40-31. Their recent game with union, they lost, 27-49. So far, Ms. Gartons goal is for the players to play “classy,” which means the players respect the referees, have grit, and help any player that is on the floor. As a head, coach she does feel pressured, maybe just like any other head coach, but she feels very supported by the Mac-Hi and Milton-Freewater community. She enjoys being head coach and likes the challenge of studying other teams and figuring out how the Lady Pioneers can use their strengths to come out with a win. “It is very rewarding to see girls succeed on the basketball court both individually and as part of the team,” she said.
Mckenna Yensen, a Junior this year, on the varsity team said, “ I think as the season goes on we will be able to work better as a team. I think we have all been getting along well and it's a fun group of girls.”

Mac-Hi wrestling: pin it to win it

This year Mac-Hi wrestling is ready to have a great season. One of the wrestlers, Marcel Brinkley, says, “We are ready for a phenomenal season!” Even their practices show the dedication these athletes have for the sport. Some sweat so much they change their shirts two times within one practice.
Most of their tournaments take up their whole weekend, but that just shows the love they have for the sport. Some of the wrestlers even come to school at 6:30 in the morning to work out and run just so they will make weight for the upcoming tournament. Every single wrestler on the team puts in 100 percent effort.
And this year there is even the only girl wrestler on the team, Yolanda Soto. This brave sophomore is the only girl taking on this tough sport.Most girls don’t take on this sport but Yolanda said “I decided to do wrestling,because I have been wanting to join for a while but could never join till this year” Even though she is the only girl on the team, the boys don’t seem to mind. The people that wrestle her even say, “You can tell she is giving all her effort into it.” The boys don't mind having her, and she is a great new addition to the team. Her optimistic spirit and ambition show through in practice and in matches.

But the real inspiration and leaders on the team are the captains , Riley Chester, Kaden kilburg , Chase Larson , and Spencer Wells. They help out the team tremendously. “They push us to our full ability, push us to go further, encourage us to try harder, which makes us a better wrestler,” said Dylan Quist. So if would like to see these wrestlers in action they have a home tournament December 17th!

Absolutely Amazing Art


Image result for art paintingsOn Saturday December 10 through Sunday December 18 there will be a art show at the Arts Portal Gallery on 508 N. Main Street. This will be for McLoughlin students, Central students, and Telara McCullough, who is a felted wool fiber artist. The reason for this art show is to help “young aspiring artists who are looking at other artwork for inspiration.”

Mrs. Burnham is a new teacher here at McLoughlin High School. Though she is a new teacher at Mac-Hi, this is not her first year teaching. Mrs. Burnham has been teaching for  10  years now. She says that what got her interested in art is  when she was in elementary school, she always loved it when teachers let the students create art. She says,  “The freedom of expression through art inspires me to paint and sculpt.”

Many students enjoy the process of making-and pushing themselves to develop something artistic and original that is an extension of who they are. Some current projects Mrs. Burnham’s classes are doing now are grid drawings of animals, and they are also choosing from two projects: Kaleidoscope Names or Shattered Images. Mrs. Burnham also plans on doing tie-dye themed snowflakes.

Since this is a December Christmas article, I asked Mrs. Burnham some holiday-themed questions. Her family’s Holiday Traditions are going to Christmas Eve church service together, and on Christmas Morning they all have Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. Her favorite go-to Christmas holiday recipe is marshmallow fudge. Lastly, her favorite Holiday is Christmas, of course! She loves the “REAL” story behind the holiday and the true meaning of JOY in this world She says she will always have hope for Peace on Earth.

Suggestions for Christmas fun!


images.jpg It’s that time of year again. The weather becomes frosty, houses are covered in lights, and everyone is pulling out the festive wrapping paper! It’s the most wonderful time of the year: Christmas!
But sometimes you get tired of the same old thing: put up the tree, wrap the presents, open the presents. The season starts to feel stale if you keep the same traditions. You start to wonder, isn’t there something else I could do? Here’s a suggestion: start a new tradition. This is how to make the holidays more enjoyable for you and others too!

  1. Christmas Caroling!
This is an old tradition that goes all the way back to the fourth century in Rome! The tradition began from the Christians that wrote the songs. Although it is not so common during the seasons in Milton-Freewater, this is a great way to bring joy and surprise to others who may be feeling like a bit of a Christmas Scrooge. It isn’t too difficult a task to just gather together some friends and sing the loving and traditional (or funny and non-traditional) songs to set Christmas spirit into the hearts of others. You could go to relatives or even strangers’ homes and ring the doorbell. Also, you could go for a flash mob sort of move by singing something with a group in a nursing home or mall.

    2. Baking.
Sometimes you just have to get some Christmas snacks to savor all of the special events. (Or you’re just bored at home and really hungry.) Nothing is as pleasurable as opening the oven to the sweet aroma of freshly-baked cookies. One fun recipe is called, Grinch crinkle cookies. You can find a link to the recipe on our newspaper website.

    3. Decorate your room.
Cutting out snowflakes, decorating a tree, making homemade stockings are all fun ways to step up the holidays. Add some Christmas music, hot chocolate, and a few friends to help you, and you can cover your room with fun decorations. One fun project is cutting out snowflakes and stringing them around your room to make it look like a winter wonderland! You could also customize your wall and hang up stockings with your friends’ and family members’ names on them. If you want, you could even draw pictures of memories or symbols that represent your friends!

        4. Christmas baskets!
“We rise by lifting others.” -Unknown.
 Milton-Freewater has had the Christmas basket project to help those can’t afford a perfect Christmas dinner for their family. There are actually two Christmas basket programs in Milton-Freewater; one is organized by the Kiwanis and Elks Club, and the other is put on by a number of local churches. Both need volunteers to help put together and deliver baskets to people in need.

  When it comes to Christmas, if you find yourself getting too caught up in all the Christmas sales and gift wrapping, try something new! Get out and build a snowman or spend some time with friends and family because they are what matter most.

The cure for winter break cabin fever

By Mckenna Stallings

A way to cure the common cabin fever that usually happens to most everyone is the simple: Netflix. Netflix has a lot of shows and movies that will keep you entertained for days. It's also addicting, so don’t be surprised if you find out you’ve watching it all day. You can also download it on your phone if your parents drag you outside. There are times though when you can’t seem to find something to watch, so here is a short list of recommendations.
One recommend is The Walking Dead. They have more than five seasons on Netflix. The Walking Dead is for fans of zombies and who love epic battles. You will also fall in love with the characters in this show. The Walking Dead will make you smile and cry and keep you entertained for days.
Another idea is Vampire Diaries, which is very popular with girls, but it's entertaining anyone. Vampire Diaries features vampires and other supernatural creatures, but mostly focuses on a girl and two vampire brothers. If you're into supernatural drama with love here and there, then you should totally watch this show.
Another show that's popular is Pretty Little Liars. The show follows four teenage girls whose leader mysteriously disappears. Pretty Little Liars is full of surprises if you like mysteries, then this show is for you.
The last show I recommend is  the Stranger Things. It follows a group of kid whose friend disappeared. In order to find him they befriend a girl with telekinesis abilities. These are just a few shows out of the hundreds that are on Netflix, So go out there and find what suits you.

ASB collects cans to feed the hungry

By Giselle Pereyra

The can food drive happens every year. “This year we helped 75 families in Milton-Freewater,” says Susie Ellis. The can food drive has always been sponsored by the Associated Student Body. Seniors list all of the families that can’t afford food, so they gave all those families a free turkey and other food for a holiday dinner. Forty students were out on Halloween day giving baskets full of all kinds of canned food.

After handing out 75 baskets, they still had leftovers. Susie Ellis says she has been running the can food drive for about 30 years now. “ I am very proud of our kids that are sacrificing to be out in the cold and helping other families,” says Susie Ellis.

Christmas Dinner Around the World

By: Nayeli Anahi Ruiz

Christmas is right around the corner and everyone in every culture that celebrates it is getting very excited. We’re all excited about all the family and friends we’re going to see, all the presents we’re going to exchange, and all the food we’re going to eat. Everyone has special memories surrounding food, and with Christmas being “the most wonderful time of the year,” you can imagine how happy people are to eat the traditional food they eat every Christmas. Different cultures eat different types of food, so here’s a few:

Americans typically eat turkey, mashed potatoes with or without gravy, and cranberry sauce. Desserts including, pumpkin or apple pie, Christmas pudding, and fruitcake. I also asked some American friends of mine about what they usually eat for Christmas dinner. It seems all families have their own traditions, which applies to every family. One family makes homemade noodles, homemade stuffing, turkey, and a lot of fruit, while another family, has Chinese food as a tradition. Another family doesn’t have special dinners, but they have a special breakfast where they eat homemade pancakes.
Mexicans eat things like tamales, menudo or pozole (which are both traditional soups however menudo is made with beef and pozole is made with pork), and taquitos. Desserts include buñelos(which is fried dough either in ball shape or flat pancake shape), flan, or churros. As I did before, I asked some friends. My family, like many Mexican families in the US that mix traditions, eats tamales or pozole and pumpkin pie. Other families seem to have the same thing plus mole, or flan for dessert.

Indians eat things such as aloo gobi (a cuisine dish made with potatoes, cauliflower and Indian spices), kachumber (a salad dish in Indian cuisine consisting of fresh chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and sometimes, chili peppers), or jeera pulao. But I got the most information from a friend called Jasveer. Her family eats chapatis, and for dessert eat gulab jamun and barfi (is a dense milk based sweet confectionery from the Indian Subcontinent, a type of mithai).

It was really interesting to learn of what all families do during this special time. And I hope you have a very happy Merry Christmas!

DIY christmas gifts

By: Madeline Edwards

Do you want to give your friend or family the best Christmas present you could possibly think of? Try a homemade one! There are so many varieties of gifts that you can make.
Food and candy are very popular gifts to give. You can spice the food up or even dial it down to match the person’s preference.
One good holiday Christmas gift is homemade hot cocoa. This recipe is very simple, and all you have to do is store it in a cute container, put ribbon on it, and write a little note.
The recipe for the hot chocolate is: 3 ½ cups of sugar, 2 ¼ cups cocoa powder, and 1 tablespoon of table salt. It’s super simple and delicious!
Second, phones are a big part of our lives these days. We want to protect those phones as best as we can. But have you ever been looking for a good case but haven’t found anything you liked? Or have you ever witnessed a family member with the same problem? A DIY a phone case might be the answer! All you need is modge podge, a clear case, and whatever photos or gems the gift receiver would like.
Place a layer of modge podge on the phone and attach your pictures onto it. If you want to add a little more, you could even super glue some rhinestones to the case if that is what you or the person you’re giving the gift to likes.
Finally, if you are good with your hands, try making letters out of plywood that spell out your friend or family member’s name! Want to make it even better? Glue some pictures to that!
There are many varieties of gifts you can make! It all depends on their personality and interests.You just have to think outside of the box, and your friend or family member will LOVE it!

5 College application tips from our school counselor, Jeff Bockert

By: Jessica Burks

With Christmas break coming up, it would be smart for seniors to think about starting their college applications. Mr. Bockert started off by telling me even as a freshman to start early and stay organized throughout high school. He told me that it is good to apply to a range of schools such as universities and also to trust your instincts and/or your intuition. He also told me, “When I was a senior in high school, I really wanted to go to UCLA, but I was scared to be so far away from home, so I ended up going to the University of Washington.” And he continued, “When I started my football season there, I had a bad feeling about the coach, and I ended up transferring to a school that was closer to home.”  He said that the point of the story is to try different things. “Don’t just settle for something. Keep fighting for different things that you want to do,” Mr. Bockert said. Here are some bullet points of his 5 tips:

  • Start early, so that by the end of junior year, you have applied to 5 or more schools
  • Apply to a range of schools if possible
  • Trust your instincts
  • Try different things
  • Keep fighting until you get the thing you want

Getting to know some Mac-Hi’s foreign exchange students


We all know them, and perhaps we, all in a way, even admire them. And everything they say just sounds so hilarious. Nothing brightens up a day more than their foreign accents. And they come from all over the world only to attend the American McLoughlin High School. Some people come to the U.S. because of the culture or because of freedom, and sometimes (in my case) even only because the food.
Tuva Norstrom, a 17 year old girl from Norway, on the other hand has some reasonable arguments why she chose this country. Tuva basically just came to the States because of the wonderful world of High School Musical and, of course, McDonald's. But no, don’t think of her as another basic foreigner that judges everything based on the outside appearance. She is a very special human being that enhances everyone's day only with her wonderful smile and her bright positive attitude. I love being around her just because of her amazing personality. Sometimes she is making the day feel like it was meant to be.
Another special snowflake that chose Mac-Hi for her exchange year is Julie Nymann Rasmussen, who is looking for a completely new experience, a new life with new friends and a lot lot lot of fast food. Since she went on her road trip to the Oregon and California coast, she enjoys every single day and is taking every chance to see something new. She is just one of those people that is just down for basically everything.
Those are just two of our four foreign exchange students, to learn more about them, just talk about them, you won’t regret it.