October 17, 2016

To Kiss Or Not To Kiss? (Opinion)

By Jasmine Sears

High school, a time of learning, finding out how you are, but also it is a time that you start forming romantic relationships. We get it you're “in love” and in your own little world with that person, but would you mind saving the whole heavy making out thing for when you get away from school? It’s gross, and a HUGE problem. As we all know school is for learning and to talk to your friends/significant other, which is fine but some classmates find that the making out in the halls and school grounds to be a bit much, and here's what some fellow classmates and teachers have to say.

”It ‘s really weird”
“I think it’s gross”
“I think if you want to make out go off of campus so we don't have to see it be considerate of other people.”

“It's ok for couples to show their affection, at the appropriate place which is not school, and it seems like every time you go to turn a corner you see a couple eating each others’ faces and it’s really uncomfortable”, said senior Alex H.

When both of the principles were interviewed here is what they had to say, “It's uncomfortable, the reason we have the rules in place is so you know what the limits are and this is a place of business and we receive funny looks when people drive by and see this happen.”

So basically when we use PDA outside we give the school a bad reputation because people will think that the staff here just let us do whatever we want and this is not the case. So please, be respectful of other people and the school's policies. Now they aren’t saying that you can’t be affectionate, but just do less of it at school. You can do whatever on your own time.

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