October 20, 2016

The Gay Straight Alliance Club: Making a Safe Place in School

By: Cynthia Lozano

What is The Gay Straight Alliance? GSA is a club that is open for everyone. It is accepting and not judgmental. GSA is a supportive club that never brings down the members and always helps people out. It is also confidential. The student who started this club last year was James Hagar. “ I started this club because I wanted a place for myself and others to go and be safe, to know we aren't alone, and most of all, so that other people can understand that we aren't just weird,” says James Hagar.

There's no fee to join in; you just need to show up to the meetings. In this club, members are constantly learning about new sexualities and genders. GSA celebrated Coming Out Day on October 11 by wearing a sign or saying what our sexuality is. This is the second year of GSA, and it has been a great success. “We hope in the future it can help the community. We want to do community service while spreading the word that we are people and we exist, and I think that our club is helping other people who are facing their fears of coming out. And if it’s helping those people, I am glad,” says James Hagar.

For now, the GSA club has no fundraising plans, but they are discussing a few. If you are interested in joining GSA Club show up to a meeting on Thursdays in Mr. Lynn's classroom.

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