October 17, 2016

8th period

What’s the purpose of 8th period? According to our school counselor, Mr. Bockert, “8th period is a class for students to get information for college and help with their grades.” Mr Bockert says that 8th period has different benefits for every year. For freshman it can help with study skills and homework; for sophomores it can be a place to find good colleges to apply too with a great career. Juniors take those things and start to apply them, says Mr. Bockert. Finally, he says that seniors can start focusing on their next chapter in life.

Many students say that they prefer longer periods, and they don't like the new system. Mr Bockert says, "No system is ever perfect" and he wants it to improve throughout this year. Mr Bockert says 8th period is “a productive use of students time." He gives an example that last year only 5 people showed up to the financial, and this year 55 people showed up.

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