October 10, 2016

Ms Roe: Lady of Nature.

A young lady who grew up in Kodiak, Alaska, now teaches geometry here at Mac-Hi. Roe has 6 periods of geometry, and she likes it.The idea of being able to help someone else understand something, going through the process herself to figure out how she can word it for a student to understand her teaching, is an idea she likes. This is her 1st year being a full time teacher. She’s had 2 terms of being a teacher's assistant in college , but never an actual full time job, like she has this year. Roe doesn't only have a degree in math, she also has a degree in art. Nothing like serious art, she just likes to have fun with drawing and artistic activities. Never did she want to attend college, but her other told her she at least had to go for 1 term and if she didn’t like it she could get out of it, but during her 1st term there she ended up liking and staying for about 5 more years at Eastern Oregon. In the future she still see’s herself teaching here, since she doesn't really have big plans for her future, however she likes the community, “It’s very welcoming”, she said. Still finishing her masters degree, she found Mac-Hi because her adviser emailed her and mentioned that they were looking for a math teacher, so she took a shot at applying, and was very excited to hear that she got the job. 1st year teaching, means she doesn’t jace very much free time on her hand, although she loves running, hiking and being outside enjoying nature. Up where she grew up in Kodiak, she said, “It’s very beautiful in late spring early summer, since it’s so green, and up in Anchorage, in late fall at the national park, it’s so gorgeous, just seeing all the colorful leaves of fall.” An interesting fact about het is during a 12 hour race, she ran and completed 50 miles, last year in 2015, though after that she mentioned that it hurt for about a week to walk, since she never trained to run that much and that long, but she still liked it. “Always prepare for something before you do it”.

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