October 17, 2016

The adventures of Mrs Dony:

By Abby Richwine

Mrs Dony is the ESL: English Spanish Language teacher here Mcloughlin High school.
  She was born in Minnesota, 1964. Her family moved around a lot from Idaho in 1987, to California, Washington, then eventually to Oregon. Her husband worked at an all state insurance and wanted to live on a farm near his job. So they moved to Oregon in 2004, on a farm near Weston. She has many pets there with her and her family. Cows, horses, goats, sheep and chickens! They also have 3 white dogs, Angel, Tes, and Specks. A pit bull named Nicki and 2 healers, Guinea pig and hamster! To finish up the large family, they have three indoor cats; Mugga, Penelope, and Titten, and two outside, Tiger and Hallie.
When she went to college she started at Boise state university, not sure what she wanted to do. She was split between Marine biologist, Vet, and an Artist, because of her love for art and animals.
When her first child, Katria, now twenty-three, was two, she went back to her college to finished her bachelor's. At the end of the year, when turning in her final paper, the following Monday she found out at a KFC buffet, that she was again pregnant.
“I was eating non stop!” She said with a laugh. “In the middle of stuffing my face, my sister stared at me, eyes wide and suggested that I was pregnant because of how I was eating.” Her second child is Jessika, now age twenty one.
After she moved to Oregon, she went back to college at Eastern Oregon university to receive a teaching degree. She subbed for eight years before receiving a full teaching job! She did have a long term sub for Ms Dixon from 2007 to 2009 for Pre-Algebra while doing a small amount of algebra teaching in 2008.  
 She says now that she has a full teaching job, she enjoys teaching high school because they are more mature than the middle school students she used to help substitute. Her goal for her students are for them to become more comfortable with the English language.  
Her hobbies are fixing up the house at the moment. But when she is finally done with work, she and her husband want to explore the Caribbean with a sailboat and sell their dear little farm. She went diving with her family last summer as a family vacation in Mexico! She is quite an adventurous person. When talking with her, it’s always a fun conversation. This is Mrs Dony.

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