October 06, 2016

Homecoming Week

Homecoming was an amazing week. Way to show your school spirit!! Even though every class did an amazing job, it was the juniors that won in the end. Hall decorating was so much fun. Personally, I think that the seniors did the best. However, to all of Mac-High, I congratulate you on a job well done on dressing up. I saw some whoopie cushions….. Amazing! For the penny wars, I have to say that was very intense. Again, congrats seniors! Now I know some of you may not want to talk about the game. The homecoming game was against La Grande with an amazing start of a touchdown from Mac-High automatically. At half-time the King and Queen were announced. Congrats to Mallory Copeland and Humberto Villagomez. The game kept going and we were at 7-0. Still looking good. However, La Grande sadly beat us, 20-68. Keep going guys. Stay strong! We love you. And to everyone else, keep having Pioneer Grit!

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