October 19, 2016

Mr.White and His Enjoyment Teaching Classes

By Joally Vasquez

Mr White is said to be an “awesome” teacher by his students. “He has a great sense of humor,” said by his student Sofia Oliva. He teaches Integrated Science, Biology, Chemistry,and Physics. Mr White is also a really creative teacher and likes to do experiments with science. When asked”Why did you decide to teach here?” He chuckled and said “Because Mindi Vaughan was the first administrator to give me a call back.” He enjoys teaching science and wouldn’t mind teaching other classes if he had the chance to.

Mr. White likes Milton-Freewater because it’s a nice small town,and because there are seasons unlike in Arizona (where it feels like it is summer all year). Spring is usually his favorite season out of all. He thinks teaching science is fun because it is the best science room he has ever taught in. “Most of my teaching years were awful, I had one class (in Arizona) that had no sink for my science room.” In his opinion the most fun thing about teaching science is many hands-on activities. His classes will do some interesting things this year like blowing up hydrogen balloons for Chemistry and visiting Hanford Nuclear facility in Washington in Physics. His favorite hobbies are hiking, backpacking, etc. During his free time, he likes to watch sports, or exercise. If you don't already know Mr.White, pay him a visit and say hi, because he enjoys meeting new people.

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