October 17, 2016

Key Club;A Club That Helps The Community

Key Club is known for doing fundraisers. This year Key Club is participating in Socktober; they are collecting socks, gloves, personal hygiene products for both kids and adults. They will give these items to homeless people in Milton and Walla Walla and throw a pizza party for the class that donates the most.

But this club is not just about raising money. This club is about service, leadership, and care. This club provides “opportunities for provide service, build character, and develop leadership" (Key Club International definition). “I think it helps students learn how to help their school, their community, and themselves” says one of its advisors Ms.Hammer.

Some other things they have done for the community are Fill a Backpack, Make a Smile, which was providing school supplies to kids in need. They helped paint the Dollar Store last month, and last year they sold water at graduation to raise money for a Mac-Hi student's family who lost everything in a house fire. The most recent fundraiser was the Baked Potato Feed to help a Mac-Hi student and his family. Key Club raised $800 dollars! That’s a lot!

Ms. Hammer says, “I love the students, I love that we get to do good things in our school and in our community.” There are around 20 students at each meeting so far this year. Ms. Hammer thinks this club has been a part of Mac-Hi since the 1950s. If you are interested in joining this club, show up to meetings every Tuesday to Ms.Hammer’s classroom.

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