December 17, 2015

Inez Pulido Has a Way With Words

Inez Pulido is a sophomore that many people don’t know about, but even though she is somewhat unknown, she is one of the most interesting people you will meet. Her favorite dish is a nice hot and savory spaghetti with a side of garlic bread. Her favorite restaurant in Milton is the Golden Village. When asked what she plans on doing after high school, she replied that she plans on going to college and getting a job to help out her family.
IMG_1066.JPGWhen asked What she truly enjoyed doing, she replied, “I love to write or read. When I write, it gives me a sense of serenity.” She feels that writing is essential to finding out who one is. To Inez, writing has opened the doors to how she sees the world today. This year, she decided to join poetry club. Since then, she has enjoyed adding poetry into her writing. To write her stories she uses an app called “WattPad”.

“I am writing a fantasy story write now. I just started, but I hope to make it a series,” Pulido says. She hopes that she can finish the first book of the story by her junior year.

Where Have They Gone?

         Bananas are amazingly delicious, but the school has not had bananas in a long time. I vote the opportunity is now to find out what happened to this beloved fruit that seems to be escaping the clutches of students in the school. I will get to the bottom of this potentially catastrophic occurrence.
      As I ask around journalism class, and the students as well as the teacher seem to not have eaten bananas in a long time, and those who have recently eaten bananas they were their own. Traveling to my next class, I asked around and most students had either not remembered the last time they ate one or have had an outside source of bananas. Continuing my investigation, these facts worry me greatly.
       The next day, interviews with fellow classmates of mine have proven one thing: anyone who had eaten bananas recently ate them outside of school. I then spoke to the cafeteria lady, Pam Hawley, who had her last day on the 8th of December, and I asked her when the last time she saw bananas served at the school and she said,”Well, not since last year.” Hawley stated that our food supplier would not get any for us students because they were to expensive. Not even for Thanksgiving did they provide one banana for the fruit salad (I just knew something was off!).
        I have also recently learned that due to a fungi infesting banana plants, they are dying off. Therefore, this makes the price of bananas rise, but is it so much that the food providers can't afford to buy them? Not even for Thanksgiving? How high will the price go to?
           Now those of you who think that this is a ridiculous story and have a “Who cares attitude” what if the last source of bananas were gone and we never saw a banana again? The minions would not be able to sing the banana song or any song with bananas in it, poof! Also, any lotion, makeup, and medicines would be a dream. So show forth some care for this beautiful yellow fruit!

Wrestle Your Heart Out

Coach Chad Kilburg is impressed by how the wrestlers have done in their first two tournaments. Being able to have three of his wrestlers as Champions at the Muilenburg Tournament was something that hasn’t been done in a while. When asked what has been the biggest sacrifice he has had becoming the head coach, he answered, “This is the first year being head coach with all of the added responsibility, but that has made it challenging and fun.” Jerry Ewing, Chad’s high school wrestling coach, inspired him to become a wrestling coach. Chad Kilburg doesn’t regret becoming a coach, but he sure doesn’t like when one of his wrestlers gets hurt during a match they worked so hard for.

One of our top wrestlers this year is Riley Chester, Champion at the Muilenburg Wrestling Tournament. He was nervous but confident before the match to take the wrestlers on! His favorite moment was when he won his last match. One of the biggest sacrifices for Riley was giving up his free time and having to cut weight. His ambition for wrestling this year is the State Title. He wants to go big this year.

 Cole Skramstad, another Champion at the Muilenburg Wrestling Tournament, felt great and confident during the tournaments. The best feeling Cole got was when he pinned his opponent during the match. He has had to sacrifice drinking soda because of the strict diet the wrestlers need to have to stay at a certain amount of weight. “My dad, has been an inspiration since I was young and I have always wanted to surpass him in his accomplishments.”

Our third Champion, Alyx Shaw, in the Muilenburg Wrestling Tournament said, “I was nervous but I had a lot of people back me up.” He felt great after he won and everyone was excited for him. Alyx has gave up most of his free time because of the practices during weekdays and tournaments on weekends. He also says that it’s hard for wrestlers to lose or gain weight in such a short period of time.

Spencer Wells is one of the most improved wrestlers from last year. He was in as a 250 pound freshman and throughout managed to lose 50 pounds. His current weight is 202 pounds. Coach Chad Kilburg said, “I’m really proud of the improvement Spencer has had since the beginning of his freshman year to now.” Spencer himself is proud of the extreme weight loss he has had. The hard work that he puts in and what he gets out of it is his favorite part of being in wrestling.

Another greatly improved person on the Mac-Hi wrestling team is Zach Crismon. At the beginning of his freshman year he started at 85 pounds and then at the end of the season he weighed 95 pounds, but this year he is weighing 115 pounds. When it comes to tournaments he is a very nervous yet confident wrestler. Winning his first match and placing on the top four made Zach feel really good about himself. His inspiration to be a better wrestler would be Cole Skramstad, because he is a hard worker and usually places in state.


T.S.A. Vanquishes The Competition

Mac-Hi’s T.S.A team traveled to the college in Pendleton on the tenth of December to trounce their opponents. They built twenty wood toy trains, and they were judged as being better than all the other toys built by the other T.S.A teams. The proof of the victory hangs on the wall in Mr.Nelson’s classroom.
The competition in Pendleton also featured a very stressful bridge building competition, which asked students to build a model bridge in 2½ hours. They were given some very unintelligible instructions, and, because most of the teams didn’t understand some of the instructions, many were disqualified. After the bridges were built, their efficiency was tested by crushing them until they broke. Unfortunately, Mac-Hi did not win because all but one of our teams were disqualified. The competition continued with the flight endurance test, but, because some of the team members forgot to bring the plane, we did not compete in that one. Although we lost both the bridge building and the flight endurance tests, we came in first place in the manufacturing prototype (toy building).

The T.S.A. Club is where you build things, and Mr. Nelson is the boss. The club meets on Thursdays after school, and they are still accepting new club members. For the last couple of months, the T.S.A. members have been building 20 wooden toy trains to give to children. Because they were understaffed, they were behind schedule on the train construction and the dedicated members have had to spend many long Thursdays in the woodshop, sometimes staying until 7 o’clock to accommodate for the lack of manpower. Sometimes, Mr. Nelson has graciously provided Papa Murphy's pizza, but, due to the ravenous appetite of the students, Nelson didn’t get to eat many slices before it was gone. Now, every Thursday, the T.S.A. members are hard at work for their next competition in February next year.

GSA Begins “Choose Another Word” Campaign

The Gay-Straight Alliance is a club that creates a safe place for everyone to come regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. This is a safe place for people who have questions or answers about gender or sexual identity to go ask questions and answer some that other students might have.
The GSA is beginning a campaign, called “choose another word.” They want to help students use language that is less offensive and more positive. For example, if a student is assigned a book to read in class and begins reading it, and says, “This book is gay,” that could offend a portion of the other students. “I know sometimes people aren’t trying to be offensive, but it’s a problem when they use words that associate being gay with something they dislike or think is stupid,” says club advisor Mr. Lynn. Because, as we all know, a book cannot actually be homosexual.
How are they going to do it?
They have cards. They will pass it out if someone says gay or the n-word, or something along those lines.
They are trying to suggest that they use different words. “We are trying to make people a bit more knowledgeable and a bit less offensive at the same time. Without shoving it down their throats,” added Collin Green, an active GSA member.

Tehya Clark: Big Hair, Big Dreams

Tehya Clark, a sophomore, is a talkative and nice young lady. You might recognize her, for she is known for her very big and curly hair.
Unlike her freshman year, Tehya decided to get involved in school by joining Key Club, Heritage Club, and G.S.A. However, she is not playing any sports this year because she feels “it is too late for me to start learning how to play a sport.” She explains, “If I had started playing sports at a young age, then I would probably be an athletic person.” Tehya’s  favorite classes include English and Spanish, but she is interested in learning German because her grandmother is originally from Germany.
Although Tehya has lived in Oregon her entire life and has hardly ever traveled, she likes the idea of traveling and being able to explore different cultures. She would love to visit New York because “it seems as if that's where everyone wants to go and I just want to go with the masses.” Also, she would like to visit New Orleans because of the “different culture and liveliness of it.”
In the next couple of years, Tehya hopes to get more credits towards college. She is very excited and determined to attend because only her grandparents attended, while her mother only went to college for a little while before dropping out. Tehya plans on studying to be an English or Music teacher because she loves knowing that she managed to help someone learn what nouns are or how to sing a b sharp. “The idea of helping a person appeals to me very much and I feel that a teacher is the best way to go about it,” she says.
Tehya’s favorite quote at the moment is, “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire." She feels that the quote not only ties in with her life, but also with everyone else's because “You should always go after what you love or what you are excited about, and I feel that people sometimes forget that, and instead, go for easier options.”

December 16, 2015

Third World Problems

(Setting: Somewhere in Africa. In a small settlement. Two boys, aged 17, are talking.)

Val: Hey, Eadric. What’s up?
Eadric: Sup, bro. How’s it hanging?
Val: Not good, bro. Couldn't get any water today.
Eadric: Ah, man, third world problems.
Val: For sure.
Eadric: I found some water, but it’s a little dirty.
Val: How clean is it?
Eadric: Prob’s got a few parasites in it.
Val: Third world problems, man.
Eadric: Yeah, but at least it is water.
Val: That’s true. Hey could I get a sip?
Eadric: Sure.
Val: Thanks, bro. Did you hear that Sally got Internet?
Eadric: Dude, she is so lucky.
Val: Yeah, we can barely afford food. She is so lucky.
Eadric: Third world problems, dude.
Val: Seriously. So, can you read yet?
Eadric: Small lines. I’m getting there.
Val: Same. Did you hear that Shaq read the entire Harry Potter series?
Eadric: Wow. I can barely Read Dr. Suess.
Val: Yeah, man. Third world problems.
Eadric: Yeah. Well, I gotta go man. Work.
Val: Same. See ya.
Eadric: Bye.

Mental Health Stigmas - The Harms and Healings

Depression. You probably know someone with it or even suffer from it yourself. However, it’s something that we rarely  talk about.
According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 350 million people are affected by depression, which turns out to be 0.05% of the whole world. Although the percentage makes it seem small, 350 million people is a lot of people  about the same amount if you were to add all of the citizens of the United States and Canada together. It’s easy to dismiss depression, anxiety, or a combination of the two, even though it’s far more common than you would think - one in three college students are self-diagnosed with some sort of depression, and it’s more prevalent in minorities or multiracial individuals than in blacks and Hispanics, and even less in whites, says Healthline.
When someone breaks their leg, you don’t tell them to run a mile during PE anyway, but if a person has social anxiety disorder (SAD), they are often forced to speak in public regardless. Just like a physical injury, the limitations of mental diseases are very real and should be realized and respected. In the same way that your mom might make you stay home from school if you have a fever, I believe that someone on the verge of a panic attack should be able to call in a sick day. Having to fake a physical illness to avoid a depressive day at school is a sadly common practice. However, learning the differences between what’s true and what isn’t are not hard to learn. Indefinite amounts of resources are available on the Internet, and I gleaned information from websites and personal experiences to find myths that are told about depression.
Many stereotypes about the effects of depression-anxiety simply are not true.

Myth I. Just because someone appears “happy” doesn’t mean that they aren’t depressed.
Depression hides itself in many forms and is great at using disguises. It grows inside. When Robin Williams committed suicide, many people went on Facebook saying, “How could someone so happy do this?” Most often when someone exhibits “smiling depression,” says Psychology Today, they’re using humor and liveliness as a defense mechanism.

Myth II. Depression is contagious.
It’s not. In fact, talking about it often helps those suffering. Although I didn’t like talking to a psychologist, talking to my mom about how depression affected me and trying to explain my feelings helped me understand what was going on with me. I dream of a society where talking about your mental illnesses (e. g. “I’m bipolar, man, it sucks.” “I bet. I hate being looked at weird because I have Tourettes.”) are not taboo and can be openly discussed like other topics (“Dude, I broke my wrist. I only cried once, though.”) and can be approached in a casual setting.

Myth III. It isn’t real.
I don’t know how to respond to this statement besides wanting to holler, YES, IT IS. Because depression varies between lasting a few days or months (or years), or just during pregnancy recover, doesn’t mean that one form is more legitimate than the other, or that depression in general is a made up excuse. As a sufferer of both, I can say that dealing with anxiety can be frustrating, whether it be trying to tell a friend “Just order your hamburger!” or telling yourself it’s okay to get up to go to the garbage can. It feels like a war. Anxiety makes me feel like I’m fighting my brain, thinking everyone is making fun of me, regardless of who they are or what they’re talking about. The question I have for those who say that depression and anxiety “aren’t real” is why would we want to pretend to be afflicted by these? If you wouldn’t ask to be diagnosed with cancer, then you wouldn’t want to deal with depression.

Myth IV. We are not broken.
A person suffering from depression, anxiety, or both is not a person who is “damaged goods,” to quote Taylor Swift during one of her concerts at the Staples Center. “You are not going nowhere just because you haven’t gotten where you want to go yet.” We are not defective, nor are we weak for having mental illnesses; nor are we giving up when we admit that we need help, by seeking medication, counseling, or even friendships. Hearing and reading that we are “broken” traps depressives inside stereotypes and stigmas and makes it harder for us to own our condition and makes it easier to isolate ourselves. Telling us that we “don’t seem depressed,” we’re faking it, or that it isn’t real is doing two things: 1) letting us know that we shouldn’t come to you for help, and 2) you don’t want to help.

There are a lot of things that I could go on to explain (how to cope, self-diagnose, where to seek help, how to help a depressed friend), but I feel that most of these have already been touched on. Try applying depression and anxiety to other real world scenarios, like, asking a friend who’s on crutches how you can help, like carrying their books, or putting yourself in their shoes (e.g. “What if I was terrified of saying ‘here” during attendance?”), and you might learn how to be a better friend. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, whether you’re confused how to help someone else or how to help yourself. Keeping silent about the symptoms of mental illnesses only furthers the idea that it’s something that you should be embarrassed about. If you learn anything from this editorial, though, I want you to remember that you are not broken; you are not damaged goods due to your physical, mental, or other conditions that could be used to describe you. Talk about it.

DIY Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas is coming closer, in about two weeks it will be Christmas Day. It seems that every year buying gifts gets more expensive. So why not make a gift instead of buying them? When Darby Freske was about 6 years old, she bought a picture frame and decorated it with sea shells and other items to make it her own. Karen Steele said that one Christmas she knitted potholders and a beanie for her great grandfather, and she made treats and pies. But, of cours,e if someone you know is a huge animal lover, you could do what Becky Hammill did, and make a clay impression of your family dog’s paw print. Or maybe you want to get a gift for your grandparents?  A perfect gift for your grandparents could be you buying a big 3D metal star and putting pictures of your whole family on the star, so they can hang it up on their wall. Another idea you can do is make a phone case. Just buy any cheap case, and paint it the color you’d like; then decorate whatever way you want. These are some easy creative ideas to do for Christmas gifts that are unique and don’t cost a lot of money.

'Star Trek' and 'Star Wars': They Aren’t The Same!


Everyone who visits the Internet knows that the new Star Wars movie is coming out, and, since there are some of you that think that Star Wars and Star Trek are the same, I am here to correct you. They are completely different.
Star Trek, originally a TV series, is a space western/science fiction that centers around a crew who serves in Starfleet, a space-based peacekeeping and humanitarian armada. Star Trek has several planets, a lot of them have different tribes, or creatures on them, and takes place in the far future. Star Wars, originally a trilogy, is a space opera fantasy franchise set in the distant past of a fictional galaxy, revolving around princes, princesses, knighthood, and chivalry. Star Wars has many different planets as well, however they are based on elements such as water, ice, desert, etc.
The two sagas have different vehicles and means of transportation. Star Trek has the Enterprise (NX-01), the USS Enterprise (the original, NCC-1701-A/B/C/D/E and F), Deep Space Nine, the Defiant, the USS Voyager, various spacecraft. Star Wars has various spacecraft such as, Star Destroyers, A-Wings, B-Wings, X-Wings, Y-Wings, TIE fighters, the Death Star, the Millennium Falcon, Imperial shuttles, AT-AT, AT-ST, various starfighters, MTT, AAT, STAP, AT-RT, AT-TE.
StarTrekVSStarWars.png Star Trek has 12 movies and several TV shows, and Star Wars has 6 movies. The pinnacles are also different (most important thing). In Star Trek, it is debated between Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek: First Contact, and in Star Wars fans are conflicted between Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
In Star Trek the main characters are Spock, James T. Kirk, Uhura, Leonard McCoy, Scotty, and Pavel Chekov. They all worked on the USS Enterprise helping people in need. In Star Wars you have Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Boba Fett, Princess Leia, Han Solo, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Chewbacca. They all play very different, very important roles in the movies.
If you still believe that they are the same, you’re crazy. Spock and Darth Vader are not even close. If you have and any questions about this feel free to come to me, and I will send you on the correct path.

Get To Know Kate The Great

    Kate Sanchez is a really nice, outgoing, 5’2, petite, 15-year-old sophomore at Mac-Hi.  Kate says, “The idol I look up to is Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, also known as ‘The Weeknd’ because he has a great talent, and that is to sing.”
db6c3e03-bf77-4553-998a-f885e4de4709.jpg     Kate’s favorite subjects are Math and English because they are interesting. Her favorite teacher is Mr. Meliah because he is a really good teacher and is also very funny. She likes to spend her free time with her friends or at her father’s house. Kate likes going to parties and having a good time, and she also plays soccer because she was inspired by her father.
    After she graduates from high school, Kate plans to attend Walla Walla Community College to major in Cosmetology because she loves doing other people’s hair. Later, she wants to move to Las Vegas since that has been her dream place to move to. She also desires to visit Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. However, her ultimate dream is to visit space and get a spaceship of her own.
    Even though one of Kate’s favorite quotes is “Happiness only exists when you don’t know a thing,”  she is actually a really intelligent and ambitious young woman.

December 15, 2015

'THE FORCE AWAKENS' - As Do Internet Rumors

Carrie Fisher being told to lose fifteen pounds.
Harrison Ford’s broken ankle.
Who are Rey’s parents?
Is BB-8 the villain?
Where the heck is Mark Hamill???
Questions and rumors have been flooding in as soon as the  new Star Wars movie as was confirmed and since the trailer was released. Unfortunately, almost none of these have been addressed. The trailer only gave us more curiosities and questions, further fueling our excitement and anticipation for December 18th. After watching the trailer for the ninety-second time, I’ve scoured the Internet and nerd forums for answers and speculations.
What is the “First Order”? Mystery still shrouds the army of Stormtroopers and Supreme Leader Snoke. We are given a glimpse of a chrome-plated Stormtrooper, nicknamed the “Chrometrooper,” called Captain Phasma, the first female Trooper known in the Star Wars universe. All we know so far is that Disney has copyrighted her name, giving the impression that she’ll stick around for the rest of the trilogy.
Kylo Ren has a fire-spitting lightsaber. My question is - where can I get one? Reddit fans speculate that he’s not as bad as he seems, and, if the force reawakens in him, he could follow a path of redemption, which is a common theme in the previous six movies. Kylo Ren’s lightsaber has received lots of ridicule and controversy, saying that the design of the handle and that he would end up cutting off his own hand.
Thirty years later and people are still flying the same ships. A Star Destroyer is shown to be crashed in the desert during the trailer. Who shot it down? And why does c3P0 have a red arm? Where are the Sith? Where is Luke Skywalker?
In the trailer, we hear Luke Skywalker say, “My sister has it,” and we see a pair of hands exchanging a closed lightsaber. Examining the design of the saber, commenters note the handle resembles Anakin’s weapon that Luke received. The hands appear to belong to women, although that could be totally incorrect, which raises the questions - is Leia receiving the saber? Is she passing it onto Rey, or is it someone that we haven’t met yet?
What does Darth Vader’s scorched helmet mean? He very well could have become a cult figure, since Jedis and the Force have reportedly become a thing of the past and legends. Kylo Ren hints at being the cult leader  of a possible new “religion,” although the trailer answers no questions and prompts us to ask even more.
Why is Leia crying? Is she saying goodbye to someone? How is everyone related? Will there be Ewoks and Wookies? What other returning characters can we look forward to, if any? Has Luke joined the Dark Side, or is he the leader of it all? Is anyone going to say “I have a bad feeling about this.”? What role does Lupita Nyong’o play? The only released photo of her shows her as a short, orange lady with big goggles. And, most importantly... Where is Luke???

photos by Disney and Lucasfilm