December 17, 2015

T.S.A. Vanquishes The Competition

Mac-Hi’s T.S.A team traveled to the college in Pendleton on the tenth of December to trounce their opponents. They built twenty wood toy trains, and they were judged as being better than all the other toys built by the other T.S.A teams. The proof of the victory hangs on the wall in Mr.Nelson’s classroom.
The competition in Pendleton also featured a very stressful bridge building competition, which asked students to build a model bridge in 2½ hours. They were given some very unintelligible instructions, and, because most of the teams didn’t understand some of the instructions, many were disqualified. After the bridges were built, their efficiency was tested by crushing them until they broke. Unfortunately, Mac-Hi did not win because all but one of our teams were disqualified. The competition continued with the flight endurance test, but, because some of the team members forgot to bring the plane, we did not compete in that one. Although we lost both the bridge building and the flight endurance tests, we came in first place in the manufacturing prototype (toy building).

The T.S.A. Club is where you build things, and Mr. Nelson is the boss. The club meets on Thursdays after school, and they are still accepting new club members. For the last couple of months, the T.S.A. members have been building 20 wooden toy trains to give to children. Because they were understaffed, they were behind schedule on the train construction and the dedicated members have had to spend many long Thursdays in the woodshop, sometimes staying until 7 o’clock to accommodate for the lack of manpower. Sometimes, Mr. Nelson has graciously provided Papa Murphy's pizza, but, due to the ravenous appetite of the students, Nelson didn’t get to eat many slices before it was gone. Now, every Thursday, the T.S.A. members are hard at work for their next competition in February next year.

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