December 16, 2015

DIY Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas is coming closer, in about two weeks it will be Christmas Day. It seems that every year buying gifts gets more expensive. So why not make a gift instead of buying them? When Darby Freske was about 6 years old, she bought a picture frame and decorated it with sea shells and other items to make it her own. Karen Steele said that one Christmas she knitted potholders and a beanie for her great grandfather, and she made treats and pies. But, of cours,e if someone you know is a huge animal lover, you could do what Becky Hammill did, and make a clay impression of your family dog’s paw print. Or maybe you want to get a gift for your grandparents?  A perfect gift for your grandparents could be you buying a big 3D metal star and putting pictures of your whole family on the star, so they can hang it up on their wall. Another idea you can do is make a phone case. Just buy any cheap case, and paint it the color you’d like; then decorate whatever way you want. These are some easy creative ideas to do for Christmas gifts that are unique and don’t cost a lot of money.

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