December 17, 2015

Where Have They Gone?

         Bananas are amazingly delicious, but the school has not had bananas in a long time. I vote the opportunity is now to find out what happened to this beloved fruit that seems to be escaping the clutches of students in the school. I will get to the bottom of this potentially catastrophic occurrence.
      As I ask around journalism class, and the students as well as the teacher seem to not have eaten bananas in a long time, and those who have recently eaten bananas they were their own. Traveling to my next class, I asked around and most students had either not remembered the last time they ate one or have had an outside source of bananas. Continuing my investigation, these facts worry me greatly.
       The next day, interviews with fellow classmates of mine have proven one thing: anyone who had eaten bananas recently ate them outside of school. I then spoke to the cafeteria lady, Pam Hawley, who had her last day on the 8th of December, and I asked her when the last time she saw bananas served at the school and she said,”Well, not since last year.” Hawley stated that our food supplier would not get any for us students because they were to expensive. Not even for Thanksgiving did they provide one banana for the fruit salad (I just knew something was off!).
        I have also recently learned that due to a fungi infesting banana plants, they are dying off. Therefore, this makes the price of bananas rise, but is it so much that the food providers can't afford to buy them? Not even for Thanksgiving? How high will the price go to?
           Now those of you who think that this is a ridiculous story and have a “Who cares attitude” what if the last source of bananas were gone and we never saw a banana again? The minions would not be able to sing the banana song or any song with bananas in it, poof! Also, any lotion, makeup, and medicines would be a dream. So show forth some care for this beautiful yellow fruit!

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