December 16, 2015

Third World Problems

(Setting: Somewhere in Africa. In a small settlement. Two boys, aged 17, are talking.)

Val: Hey, Eadric. What’s up?
Eadric: Sup, bro. How’s it hanging?
Val: Not good, bro. Couldn't get any water today.
Eadric: Ah, man, third world problems.
Val: For sure.
Eadric: I found some water, but it’s a little dirty.
Val: How clean is it?
Eadric: Prob’s got a few parasites in it.
Val: Third world problems, man.
Eadric: Yeah, but at least it is water.
Val: That’s true. Hey could I get a sip?
Eadric: Sure.
Val: Thanks, bro. Did you hear that Sally got Internet?
Eadric: Dude, she is so lucky.
Val: Yeah, we can barely afford food. She is so lucky.
Eadric: Third world problems, dude.
Val: Seriously. So, can you read yet?
Eadric: Small lines. I’m getting there.
Val: Same. Did you hear that Shaq read the entire Harry Potter series?
Eadric: Wow. I can barely Read Dr. Suess.
Val: Yeah, man. Third world problems.
Eadric: Yeah. Well, I gotta go man. Work.
Val: Same. See ya.
Eadric: Bye.

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