December 15, 2015

'THE FORCE AWAKENS' - As Do Internet Rumors

Carrie Fisher being told to lose fifteen pounds.
Harrison Ford’s broken ankle.
Who are Rey’s parents?
Is BB-8 the villain?
Where the heck is Mark Hamill???
Questions and rumors have been flooding in as soon as the  new Star Wars movie as was confirmed and since the trailer was released. Unfortunately, almost none of these have been addressed. The trailer only gave us more curiosities and questions, further fueling our excitement and anticipation for December 18th. After watching the trailer for the ninety-second time, I’ve scoured the Internet and nerd forums for answers and speculations.
What is the “First Order”? Mystery still shrouds the army of Stormtroopers and Supreme Leader Snoke. We are given a glimpse of a chrome-plated Stormtrooper, nicknamed the “Chrometrooper,” called Captain Phasma, the first female Trooper known in the Star Wars universe. All we know so far is that Disney has copyrighted her name, giving the impression that she’ll stick around for the rest of the trilogy.
Kylo Ren has a fire-spitting lightsaber. My question is - where can I get one? Reddit fans speculate that he’s not as bad as he seems, and, if the force reawakens in him, he could follow a path of redemption, which is a common theme in the previous six movies. Kylo Ren’s lightsaber has received lots of ridicule and controversy, saying that the design of the handle and that he would end up cutting off his own hand.
Thirty years later and people are still flying the same ships. A Star Destroyer is shown to be crashed in the desert during the trailer. Who shot it down? And why does c3P0 have a red arm? Where are the Sith? Where is Luke Skywalker?
In the trailer, we hear Luke Skywalker say, “My sister has it,” and we see a pair of hands exchanging a closed lightsaber. Examining the design of the saber, commenters note the handle resembles Anakin’s weapon that Luke received. The hands appear to belong to women, although that could be totally incorrect, which raises the questions - is Leia receiving the saber? Is she passing it onto Rey, or is it someone that we haven’t met yet?
What does Darth Vader’s scorched helmet mean? He very well could have become a cult figure, since Jedis and the Force have reportedly become a thing of the past and legends. Kylo Ren hints at being the cult leader  of a possible new “religion,” although the trailer answers no questions and prompts us to ask even more.
Why is Leia crying? Is she saying goodbye to someone? How is everyone related? Will there be Ewoks and Wookies? What other returning characters can we look forward to, if any? Has Luke joined the Dark Side, or is he the leader of it all? Is anyone going to say “I have a bad feeling about this.”? What role does Lupita Nyong’o play? The only released photo of her shows her as a short, orange lady with big goggles. And, most importantly... Where is Luke???

photos by Disney and Lucasfilm

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