December 17, 2015

Wrestle Your Heart Out

Coach Chad Kilburg is impressed by how the wrestlers have done in their first two tournaments. Being able to have three of his wrestlers as Champions at the Muilenburg Tournament was something that hasn’t been done in a while. When asked what has been the biggest sacrifice he has had becoming the head coach, he answered, “This is the first year being head coach with all of the added responsibility, but that has made it challenging and fun.” Jerry Ewing, Chad’s high school wrestling coach, inspired him to become a wrestling coach. Chad Kilburg doesn’t regret becoming a coach, but he sure doesn’t like when one of his wrestlers gets hurt during a match they worked so hard for.

One of our top wrestlers this year is Riley Chester, Champion at the Muilenburg Wrestling Tournament. He was nervous but confident before the match to take the wrestlers on! His favorite moment was when he won his last match. One of the biggest sacrifices for Riley was giving up his free time and having to cut weight. His ambition for wrestling this year is the State Title. He wants to go big this year.

 Cole Skramstad, another Champion at the Muilenburg Wrestling Tournament, felt great and confident during the tournaments. The best feeling Cole got was when he pinned his opponent during the match. He has had to sacrifice drinking soda because of the strict diet the wrestlers need to have to stay at a certain amount of weight. “My dad, has been an inspiration since I was young and I have always wanted to surpass him in his accomplishments.”

Our third Champion, Alyx Shaw, in the Muilenburg Wrestling Tournament said, “I was nervous but I had a lot of people back me up.” He felt great after he won and everyone was excited for him. Alyx has gave up most of his free time because of the practices during weekdays and tournaments on weekends. He also says that it’s hard for wrestlers to lose or gain weight in such a short period of time.

Spencer Wells is one of the most improved wrestlers from last year. He was in as a 250 pound freshman and throughout managed to lose 50 pounds. His current weight is 202 pounds. Coach Chad Kilburg said, “I’m really proud of the improvement Spencer has had since the beginning of his freshman year to now.” Spencer himself is proud of the extreme weight loss he has had. The hard work that he puts in and what he gets out of it is his favorite part of being in wrestling.

Another greatly improved person on the Mac-Hi wrestling team is Zach Crismon. At the beginning of his freshman year he started at 85 pounds and then at the end of the season he weighed 95 pounds, but this year he is weighing 115 pounds. When it comes to tournaments he is a very nervous yet confident wrestler. Winning his first match and placing on the top four made Zach feel really good about himself. His inspiration to be a better wrestler would be Cole Skramstad, because he is a hard worker and usually places in state.


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