October 07, 2015

School Clubs!

Mac-Hi has a ton of great clubs you could join! Participation in school clubs can not only look good on college applications, but can also be a lot of fun and is a great way to meet new friends.  Below includes some information on school clubs.  

If you are interested in joining Future Business Leaders of America you could either talk to the advisor, Ms. Garcia, or you could go to their meetings which are held every Wednesday during lunch. On Sept. 25th, FBLA members helped set up at the Rotary Base of Blues Dinner. This event will be followed by Make a Difference Day on Oct. 24th when members will volunteer to improve the lives of others.

“Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.”
This is the Future Farmers of America motto. On October 4th, FFA members attended Leadership Camp held at Camp Elkanah. FFA provides an opportunity to show animals and to compete in public  speaking competitions. The next event will be National Convention during October 28-31. FFA meets on Mondays from 7:30 and is advised by Ms. Holden.

Heritage Club
Heritage Club  is excited to be involved with the community and will be volunteering on Make A Difference Day by helping prepare to paint a building needing beautification. Heritage Club will also be hosting a Halloween Haunted House on October 30th at......??
Heritage club is advised by Ms. Osorio and meets after school on Wednesdays.

Key Club
Key Club meets every Tuesday at 3 p.m. in the cafeteria, and is advised by Ms. Ashland and Ms. Hammer.  If you are interested in joining, feel free to stop by. Key Club will be involved in Make a Difference Day on October 24th. Key Club provides an opportunity to volunteer and to serve your community. This year, they are focusing on raising funds for canned goods to donate to a local food bank.
Ski Club
Ski Club has not yet started meeting, but there will be an informational meeting in late October for interested students. Are you interested in joining Ski Club? If so, contact Ms. Ashland for more details. Ski Club will begin fundraising for trips in November by selling coffee from the Walla Walla Roastery.

For the first time, Mr. Nelson is the Technology Student’s Association club adviser. This year, Mr. Nelson hopes to get more involved with the community. They will also be involved in Make A Difference Day. TSA will also be making toys for ‘Toys for Tots’ during the Christmas season. TSA meets on Thursdays after school in Mr. Nelson's class located in the Ag building.

Varsity Club
To be in Varsity Club, you have to earn a varsity letter. According to Vice President, Hunter Yensen, they do not have an official meeting day, but when they do meet, they have a lot of fun.

Rollerblading Club
Rollerblading club is a new club this year, advised by Ms. Riley. They are short on rollerblades and safety equipment and greatly appreciate any donations. Rollerblading Club meets at Yantis Park on Mondays and Wednesdays after school at 3:30.

Want to add any additional information about your club? Contact me at 19landaj@miltfreesd.org.  I will continue to update the upcoming events for each club.  

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