October 05, 2015

New Face But Familiar Role: Mac-Hi's New Principal

IMG_0689.JPGMac-Hi has gone through many changes in the past year, but one of the biggest is the change in principals. Our new principal, Mindi Vaughn, is a new addition to the Mac-Hi family.
Ms. Vaughn worked as a middle school principal in Baker City. She was offered a new position there as a federal adviser, but she respectfully declined. When asked why, she replied, “I didn’t want to settle. I wanted to have a challenge.” She stated some obvious differences between middle school and high school, such as the amount of supervision.
She said she she chose McLoughlin because she was “impressed with Mac-Hi’s positive environment,” and she hopes to contribute to the school by bettering the counseling center, creating more dual credit courses, and making the cafeteria a more inviting place to hang out.
Ms. Vaughn hopes to push the students harder than she pushed herself in high school because high school is short, so students should make the most of it. She said that high school was one of the most important periods of her life and that students should live it to the fullest. She desires to encourage high schoolers to branch out and take a variety of courses.
Ms. Vaughn has worked with our previous principal, Mr. Brown. She mentioned that he was good at keeping the kids on track, and she wants to continue to support students the way he did. She also wants to add a chance for students to do a job shadowing program, along with helping the school staff in becoming more able to counsel their students.
We, as Pioneers, look forward to seeing what Ms. Vaughn is capable of. Students should also look forward to getting to know our new principal and the changes she plans on making.

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