October 06, 2015

Mac-Hi Soccer Team News


Have you ever watched the Mac-Hi boys' soccer team? Using their skills and potential, they’re working hard this year to make it to the State Championship. Coach Jose Garcia said he has high expectations for the team. “Every year is a new  challenge, he says. “When I was a player, I knew nothing about soccer other than playing without rules, but the main reason why I became a coach is thanks to my wife, who volunteered me to be a coach, and my own kids.” The biggest challenge for a player is to be physically and mentally prepared and be able to be criticized, be humble, and have a strong working ethic, Garcia added. The team's goal is to be district champions, then make it to State. They learn their skills by repetition and being focused. It's all up to the players to perform their best.
Some of the best varsity players are Eduardo Corona , Ezri Correa (midfielder), Kobee Carillo, Juan Salazar, Carlos Epifanio, Miguel Rodriguez (who has scored the most goals) and Miguel Perez (stopper). Perez claims, “All of the players should be on the same page; we're a really talented team and we're going to do big things.” Their record so far is two wins and three losses. If they keep their grades up, anyone can make it to college. This is something players talk about with their coach quite a bit.

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