October 06, 2015

Renovating the Gym


It's no secret that the gym will be renovated due to Earthquake Safety reasons. While the gym is being fixed, all P.E classes will continue to be taught, said principal Mindi Vaughn. During which, P.E teachers will be forced to teach outdoor activities, and students will be told to dress warmer. Vaughn also says Mac-Hi may also talk to Central about sharing their gym as well. The roof of the gym will be redone to prevent leakage and the walls will be strengthened. A committee is being put together to look at possible renovations in other areas of the gym as well. To do all of this renovations, Superintendent Dr. Rob Clark gave the school a grant of $600,000, and the beginning of the changes for the gym will begin in February 2016. However, the gym is not expected be done in time for the graduation ceremony. Vaughn also provided the information that the school district is currently looking for another location for the ceremony, but nothing has been confirmed yet. The gym will hopefully be done before the school year starts again in 2016.

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