October 06, 2015

New Coach Hopes to Improve Pioneer Football


The football season has had a poor start but looks promising. The Pioneers are working hard to get their first win. The new coach, Doug South, has been talked about in a very positive way. When asked about the new football coach, Vice Principal Jay Rodighiero replied, "The coach is doing good this year. He's working on fundamentals, and our team is much younger, playing faster older players." Coach Doug South responded to the disappointing start to the season, saying to the disappointment start to the season, “We have played, for the most part, much bigger players. We consist of mostly juniors and sophomores, much younger players. We have about 3 seniors this year.” When asked about his thoughts on the cheering fans, he said, “We appreciate the fans, and they do help out with motivating us and having hope in us. They were loud, supportive, and buoyant fourth quarter, last Friday’s game.” Many Mac-Hi fans are still wondering if we will win sometime soon. Coach South said, “I’m very sanguine that we will win. We have been improving and continue to improve. The fans just need to be patient with us and we’ll win.”
         When asked about the new couch, everyone is very positive. "We have a great football coach who I personally think will change the program around in the next few years, and this season is going to be rough", said Riley Chester, defensive safety and Junior.
“I like him, he’s good. He knows what he’s doing, changed a lot of things from practice,” responded Josh Torres, who is a lineman. "Yeah I think he's awesome we are learning a lot of new stuff, Drew Birdwell, starting quarterback before his injury.
          Another topic is fans. How they can help more and how are they  positive for  the team? When asked about how the fans could help more Birdwell said, "We don't play better if we don't have cheering going on to motivate the team." Torres also commented, “People leaving during half-time makes us feel bad about ourselves.” When asked if she believed if the fans help, Emily Quelar, a student and fan of the football team, said, "If we all stayed after halftime, they would be supported, there are teams out there that are worse than Mac-Hi, so it's possible". "Fans definitely help", responded Torres about the fans.
        Mac-Hi is still waiting to see if the Pioneers will get there first win for the season. "A lot of players in our football division are seniors going against our young players," Eddie Garcia replied about the football team."It's kinda hard to win games when we're all sophomores, we work really hard even though we don't win game a lot we lose by a lot it's a tough competition we usually lose in the first half because we don't work hard like the second half", responded Josh Torres on if we were going to win a game this season. "
            On September 18th The Dalles played the Pioneers, who hadn’t  gotten their  first win yet. The Dalles won, 43-0. They also lost to Crook County, 60-0, on September 25.
The fans are craving for our Mac-Hi Pioneers’ first win. We’re hoping our team gets better throughout the season and over the next few years. We have a great coach this year, and the season looks promising with him. The team is satisfied with his coaching.

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