October 30, 2015

A Monster’s Diary

Friday, October 15

It is that time of year again. The "Humans" are hunting for me, and it is getting quite old. I don't know why they try because it always ends the same way for them: in my stomach digesting. I don’t eat them because of the way they taste. On the contrary, I do it because the food is there. What I mean is, I eat these “humans” because they are a free source of food. These two legged beasts blame me for eating their people when they were the ones with the audacity to attack me in the first place. You see, I am actually quite nice and humble. If these “Humans” stopped to ask, I would have had an intellectual conversation with them, but they don't stop to think that I am intellectual and instead come at me with weapons. I wonder if this will ever stop.

Monday, October 25

A “Human” showed up at my house today, and let's be frank: he tried to kill me, so I killed him, but only in self-defense. I do not enjoy killing these “humans,” but I have to admit they are quite delectable. Even though they are tasty I will resist the urge, because if I don’t, the “Humans” would have been right about me. I would be nothing but a monster.

Wednesday, October 27

I slipped in my standards today. I went out of my house in search of “Humans.” My stomach had this hunger. A hunger only human hands could satisfy. This attempt of a hunt almost led to my demise. As I hunted for a “Human” I was ambushed by a group of “Humans”. One of their arrows pierced my upper leg, ripping through my muscle. I ran, scared for my life, through the woods. After an hour of running I had finally lost them. I returned to my house and tended to my wound.

Friday, October 29

It’s been two days since my lapse in judgement, and I fear that “Humans” I encountered might have followed me to my house. I think they plan to attack my home and kill me. The wound they gave me is still fresh. I stay alert in hope that I can live through this engagement.

Saturday, October 30

They attacked at midnight. Weapons blazing, they charged at me. I fought as hard as I could, but so did they. Their group suffered many casualties in their men. They have pushed me back into my bedroom. This may be my last journal entry. They are beating at the door. I see the door breaking under the force of their blows. They will be inside any minute, and I fear that the world may never know the truth about me. About what I really am. Because I am…

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A beast was found in a cave, its body only bones. This body is bigger than most humans. Its hand could have shattered the skull of a human. As we researched this being, we found that it closely resembled a human. We have sent the skeleton to deep storage where it is being classified and is to not be opened again for 50 years. We hope by then that we will be able to better identify what this being is. Till then, we have decided to call it “Big Foot” because of the size of its feet.

Halloween History

Getting Into the 'Spirit' of Halloween

     Everyone perceives Halloween as just a random holiday and an excuse to dress up while getting free candy. Little do they know, though, Halloween actually goes back as far as about 2,000 years ago. Started by the Celts, it was originally a festival held on October 31st called Samhain.  Back then, winter was the season most associated with death.  The Celts believed that on the night that ends summer and brings winter, the world of the living and the dead blurred, which allowed the ghosts of the dead to return to Earth and cause havoc like bring sickness and destroy crops. Around the time of 800 AD, the upbringing of Christianity made its way into Celtic lands.

     Trick-or-treating originates from ancient Ireland and during the Saint Columb Kill Festival. During that time, peasants would go from house to house and gather necessities like cheese, butter, eggs, apples, and bread cakes to prepare for the festivities. The most known Halloween tradition is the costumes. Dressing up and making your way through the town or neighborhood getting free treats goes back to the middle ages.

     Halloween became very popular in America around the time of the 19th and 20th centuries.  Other cultures around the world celebrate very similar traditions as we do in America. In England, it is known as Bonfire Night. In Mexico, altars in the homes are decorated with candy, fruit, bread, and flowers. Those are just a couple examples of other Halloween cultures.

     Overall, Halloween has a very long, interesting background. Honestly, I’ve never known any of this until I did my research. Thank you, and Happy Halloween.