January 06, 2016

Mac-Hi Needs More Language Classes

Students have no choice when it comes to learning a language, they only have the option of Spanish. Many of the students at Mac-Hi are of Mexican heritage and can fluently speak Spanish.  Mexican students learning Spanish is like English students learning British; redundant.
Besides the fact that students need to be learning while at school, another reason we need more than one class is because students deserve a choice, many students want to learn German, French, Latin, Greek, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, or any of the other 1,000’s of languages in the world. If a student is not allowed the power to choose which language they learn, they may despise the language they have to learn. Because of their possible lack of passion for the language, the student might not do as well as they might had they chosen the language.
It is true that Spanish is a very important language; it is the second most commonly spoken language and it has significant historical value. However, it is illogical to limit students to only one language, no matter how important it is, because one language can not accommodate for the needs of all the students at Mac-Hi, such as the Mexican students.
The gap in education can be filled with new language classes. A good example is Mandarin Chinese, the most frequently spoken language. Chinese also opens many opportunities because it is the most spoken language in international business.
Another language we can consider might be Sign Language (called ASL by those in the know),  it helps solve the problems of miscommunication between deaf and hearing people. Personally, I long for a German class because of my future career path and simply because it is interesting and useful.

A decision needs to be made on whether or not we will have more language classes and, if so, which ones. This decision, however, is not mine to make, it is the school’s decision. I can only suggest that we should have more language classes.

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