January 13, 2016

New Opportunities Sprout for Future Doctors and Electricians

There will be two new classes taught by Mrs. Groff next semester. The two classes will be an electronics class and a medical terminology class. These classes will be taught during seventh period next semester. Groff decided to take on these classes when she was asked to come up with electives to help students who plan on going into vocational schools.
The purpose of these classes is to give students another way to further learn about occupations they might have in the future. These classes can assist students in the transition into vocational training. They can earn two college credits from the medical terminology class. The goal in this class is to help students get a career in the path that they want.

Mrs. Groff hopes that these classes will be available next year in addition to this year. She continued with “I think that there is a good chance of them staying around, because they are free and they don't cost any real resources.” She goes on to say that the classes will be easy for diligent students. She also feels that it will show how effective students are with an online class. The classes will be a trial run.

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