April 05, 2017

Students stay home on “Day without immigrants” protest

By Alex Quesney
On February 16, many Mac-Hi students protested the treatment of immigrants. On the day of the protest there were 146 students not in school, more than double the average of 66 or so kids missing. Immigrant parents around the country kept their children home from school in protest. At Grove Elementary school 81 students, more than one-third of all the students in school, were absent .
Even though Donald Trump has talked about about a reform bill that could possibly grant legal status to thousands maybe millions of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. , if we look back at his first speech before he was president, he showed a lot of hatred towards Mexicans. He said "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people," So many Latinos are mad with him for so many reasons Trump always seems to talk trash on twitter; on July 4 2015 he was jabbing at a fellow GOP (Grand old Party) candidate because his wife is Mexican. Trump said in his tweet “#jebBush has to like the Mexican Illegals because of his wife,” which pretty much meant Bush likes illegals because his wife is Mexican.
Trump said that their followers were “passionate” even though in about mid August a 58 year old man reported to the police saying that two brothers decided to beat up a 58 year old homeless man. They broke his nose and decided to urinate on him, which just isn't right in any way. When the police caught them, the two guys said that they targeted him because of his ethnicity, and they later added,  “ Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported.” After the attack, a fellow GOP candidate told trump about it, but he later defended his followers as being just “passionate.”
After saying that, he tweeted that he would  never condone any type of violence even though he continued to defend his supporters’ passion after that attack. He assumes some immigrants are nice, but he also thinks most are just horrible and nasty people. In reality, most immigrants come for work or for a better home for them and their child/children because they might live in a bad neighborhood or are just too broke and want to see how it would be for them in here in the United States.
It's a good thing for immigrants to stand up for themselves because if they just let the president do whatever, sooner or later he will start doing things the country will regret later on.
On the day of the protest, Mexicans and people who supported them didn't go to work in order to show how much the country needs immigrants because if there weren't any here, there would sure be jobs open and not enough people to keep everything going in classrooms, orchards, restaurants, stores, and more.

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