April 05, 2017

Seniors Learning For a ‘Sustainable’ 21st Century

By Mckenna Stallings and Jessica Burks

The senior English teachers Mr.Lynn and Ms.Ashland have decided to change things up this semester by having the seniors do a sustainability project. The teachers want to help seniors in the 21st century learn and enjoy by incorporating documentary movies and independent research.
The video section of this project features documentaries where seniors will have to identify how they would help in that situation and what's wrong in that situation. One of the documentaries is called Blackfish, which specifically concerns Tilikum an Orca and the death of three individuals at SeaWorld.
After the video portion, they have started to research anything they want that has to do with environmental or social sustainability, such as how to reduce poverty, and how the idea of sustainability connects with career interests.  
Ms. Ashland wants to give seniors the freedom to learn on their own. “It will help students learn and enjoy what they are learning about,” Ms. Ashland claims. This project will help seniors learn how to make relationships and help them learn how to better understand problems in the community like interviewing some people in the community. This, she believes, will help them better their lives.  

Mr. Lynn says that the whole point of this is for students to learn how to research, which is very essential for their lives whether they go to college or straight to work. He believes that “ students should be filled with curiosity and know how to find reliable sources to answer what they are curious about.” This is the first time that they have tried this idea, and they plan on doing this again in the future with a few minor changes.

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