April 05, 2017

Mac-Hi teachers have mixed feelings on 8th period advisory

By Joally Vasquez

This school year, Mrs. Vaughn, the principal, thought of the idea of having an 8th period for students to get caught up with their work. I have surveyed 8 teachers from Mac-hi and they all had different opinions about how they felt about the new period that was made.

100% of teachers agreed that if we didn’t have advisory class our grades would be affected.However, they all didn’t agree if it should be graded.25% of the teachers said they that advisory shouldn’t be graded, but 75% of the teachers said that they would want advisory to be graded.

Teachers have listed numbers of reasons why they think it should be graded.One of the teachers , for example, Mrs.Burnham said “Students are required to complete assignments. Also,in my opinion,it’s an easy class and helps their GPA”. Another teacher anonymously said “I have found that students are more invested in doing the work at a higher level when it is graded. “ This teacher believed that most students knew that if it was a pass/fail class they wouldn’t put much effort.
          Although, most teachers agreed that we should have advisory, not all agree that students should get graded. 2 out of 6 teachers say that they don’t think that advisory should be graded. For example, a teacher said anonymously “Students are expected to finish full assignments, as long as you see and know that they're working hard than it shouldn’t be graded”.

Most teachers feel the need that since its high school and we have more homework , students need a class to get their work done. Teachers know that most students have sports to attend after school, which doesn’t give them the proper time to do their work. This is what most teachers feel about having the new advisory class, thanks to the principal, Mrs Vaughn, all students have enough time to get some work done.

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