April 05, 2017

Baseball Team Hosts Comedy Night

By Adrien Anderson

This year, the baseball team thought it would be nice and switch up this year's fundraiser and host a comedy night on March 4th.
266 people came, and all the money is going to improve the baseball field and program.
The baseball team hired David Crowe to perform. David Crowe is a comedian from Seattle who also was on Comedy Central.
Comedian-David-Crowe.jpgThe drama students also performed one of their skits, “Chatter Box,” starring Abby Richwine, Grace Merritt, and Yaneli Cisneros. They also played, “The Big Flirt,” starring Miguel Garcia, Tyra Chester, Matt Cunnington, and Julie Nymann Rasmussen.
David Crowe first took to the stage with an alternate ego: a nerdy coin collector. He talked about what was on the quarters representing different states and commented on what should really be on the coins. After he was done with his alternate ego the drama kids went up and did a skit, and David Crowe came up and started doing his stuff.

Out of the 266 people that went to the comedy night, most of them seemed to have a nice time and had a good laugh. The Coach,Michaud was very pleased with Mr. Crowe’s show and said if any other comedian comes to Milton that the standard will be high because of David Crowe.

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