March 09, 2017

Mac-Hi Ski Club Canceled for the Year

By: Jessica Burks

     Another year of snowboarding and skiing has came and gone quicker than we would have wished.
In previous years, Bluewood didn't have the harsh rules that they have now. Some examples are that 15 or more people have to be signed up to go; also we can’t combine Central and Mac-Hi students together to meet the minimum requirement .
Ms. Welsh and Mrs. Banek said that we plan on doing it next year hopefully. A change that they will make is that they will not be going to Bluewood next year because of all of the troubles that they have caused for them. They will  instead be trying to go to Anthony Lakes. Which is a ski resort located near La Grande.
There is no cost difference between going with the school and or not going with the school, however I know that there are few people that have willing parents to drive them often. Ms. Welsh and Mrs. Banek are not sure why Bluewood changed the rules because whether or not there were 15 people going they would still get some money/business that we had been providing.
Although Ski Club was cancelled for the season they are hopeful that it will return for next season. In conclusion, Ski club is a great opportunity for students to experience some outdoor winter fun.


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