March 09, 2017

FARMER’S WEEK : A Week of Cattle and Corn


We know, we know, us and our crazy headlines. We have also written: College Week : The Beginning of Student Debts. This time we are here to talk about Farmer’s Week. Farmer’s Week was from 2/20-2/24.

Ms. Holden said, “It is important for our students to understand the importance of agriculture in our everyday lives. Without it, we wouldn't have food to eat, energy to heat our homes, clothes to wear, or any of the other daily necessities that we rely on agriculture to provide us with, whether we realize it or not.”

Obviously, agriculture is really important; agriculture is one of the foundation blocks in America. If you know a farmer, we challenge you to thank them.

If you don’t know a farmer or agricultural worker, find someone that works with food or a wind turbine worker; thank someone that has done a lot for the agriculture world, or someone that has done something to make a giant impact on the way we live. Thank a farmer, they work really hard.

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