March 09, 2017

Key Club: Matchomatics and Friday Food Pantry

Matchomatics was a fundraiser held by Key Club. They have ran this fundraiser for 3 days. Matchomatics is a survey students filled out to see who their “lover” is, and if they wanted to see who they got matched with they had to pay $3 to see who your “lover” is. The $3 went to a good cause. The money if for good causes, they use money to get supplies for families in need.
Key Club has been running a food pantry and a fundraiser. Key Club’s food pantry is staffed by community volunteers, and no Mac-Hi staff are able to volunteer for personal reasons. It is located in the old teacher's lounge by the computer lab going from 7th period to 1:30. It is available to ALL Mach-Hi students. They have 3 categories of food they serve, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. For breakfast they serve cereal, oatmeal, and peanut butter, and for lunch/dinner they have soup, chili, pasta, and canned tuna or chicken. They also have snack items; crackers with peanut butter or cheese, sometimes some fresh fruits of  apples and oranges, and to give you some protein, they give out protein bars. The maximum you can get it 2 items per category (breakfast, lunch, dinner_. No paper work is needed to go be aloud to get food from the food pantry so if you are hungry or need food to fill you up over the weekend, head down and grab items of the good food they give out.

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