March 09, 2017

College Week: The Beginning of Student Debt


So, we know what you are thinking, why the weird headline? Well, to answer your question, we will start with something you all should know: college is the beginning of a long road of debt. However, that all depends on what you do while on your way to college. That is why you must get good grades and be wise to what colleges you wish to go to.
Having good grades could also mean that you might try for a academic scholarship. If you are in sports and you think you are really good, you can apply for a sports scholarship. College Week is a week where different colleges come to school and kids get to check them out. ATTENTION: ALL CLASSES can go to this!!! Even though you might be a freshman, it is still good to go and at least narrow your choices to, two or three. Even having four choices is okay. We hope you took this opportunity to help your decisions. This could really help you if you needed it.
We talked to the Vice Principal of our school, Jay Rodighiero, and he said, ”The point of college week is to promote a college-going culture, kids can start to understand that it is available and that they don’t have to limit themselves on money for college.”
“During 8th period, classes decorated their doors. Also during that week, there were dress up days like homecoming week. On Monday: Step up to success, dress the college you love! Tuesday: Dress for an interview. Show us what you would wow your new boss with. Wednesday: Neon, future is bright! Shine! Thursday: Go for green, scholarship support. Be glad for scholarships! Friday: College starts with Mac-High success, Mac-High colors! It’s a great day to be a pioneer!” -Said on posters around school. Also on Wednesday, the neon day, Juniors and Seniors could go to Pendleton High and attend a college fair. You had to sign up at the office. We hope some of you took up the offer!
We asked Mr. Rodighiero what the intention was of this college week, in his words, “The point of college week is for the students to realize that with a little practice that they can get to the colleges that they want. They can investigate other, possibly better options. And as we do this throughout the years, it will get easier every year so by the time they are seniors it will be easy-peasy. Seniors can take advantage of the financial aid forms; parents get called in to help their children with this. That way not too much pressure is put into paying for college.”

FARMER’S WEEK : A Week of Cattle and Corn


We know, we know, us and our crazy headlines. We have also written: College Week : The Beginning of Student Debts. This time we are here to talk about Farmer’s Week. Farmer’s Week was from 2/20-2/24.

Ms. Holden said, “It is important for our students to understand the importance of agriculture in our everyday lives. Without it, we wouldn't have food to eat, energy to heat our homes, clothes to wear, or any of the other daily necessities that we rely on agriculture to provide us with, whether we realize it or not.”

Obviously, agriculture is really important; agriculture is one of the foundation blocks in America. If you know a farmer, we challenge you to thank them.

If you don’t know a farmer or agricultural worker, find someone that works with food or a wind turbine worker; thank someone that has done a lot for the agriculture world, or someone that has done something to make a giant impact on the way we live. Thank a farmer, they work really hard.

Mac-Hi Seniors are Winning Scholarships

By Jasveer and Cynthia                                                                 

For Mac-Hi seniors, there is only one semester left until the  the end of classes. Time is passing very fast. Some seniors have already been accepted into some colleges and universities. Some of them are getting scholarships, so CONGRATULATIONS to all of our seniors who are getting the scholarships!!
Mallory Copeland has been accepted to the College of Idaho. She is getting a scholarship for softball. She got $7000 because of her leadership skills, her grades, and SAT scores from the College of Idaho. She also participated in the Kathryn Albertson scholarship competition and won an additional $2000.
There are some other students too who have received  scholarships. Cynthia Flores got a scholarship for $2000 from the Pacific University. Jasveer Sandhu got a scholarship for $1350 from Walla Walla University for her leadership skills as co-editor of Crimson & Black Newspaper.
Camille Riley received the presidential scholarship from the University of Montana. It is for approximately $8,000. She is also receiving Western Undergraduate Exchange. It is a program waiver allows students throughout the western United States, the Pacific Island US Territories and freestanding states to enroll at a reduced tuition rate while seeking their first undergraduate degree.
It is great that many students at Mac-hi are getting scholarships, but do not forget that there is still a lot of money available for you, students. If you have not applied to any scholarships yet then you can go to Cappex, Fastweb,, Scholarshippoints, Unigo, Course hero, College board, Scholarship Monkey, and Questbridge. There are tons of scholarships, so go for it and see if you win any money. Deadlines for the scholarships are approaching, so apply RIGHT NOW.
We hope that you will definitely win some money and go so far in your life and will make some big achievements. We are sure that one day you will definitely make Mac-Hi proud of you.  

A Senior’s Fight For Graduation Location

Graduation is coming soon and the location is still somewhat unknown. Chelsey Holford has petitioned to have a graduation outside. When the school board decided on holding graduation inside because of tradition, Holford got to work on convincing them to change their minds. She had actually made a powerpoint to include everyone’s point of view, so everyone can have a say.
download.jpg “It’s our Senior year, it should be our choice,” she says. “I think we can break this tradition because last year it was held outside because of the reconstruction of the bleachers.”
When taking a petition, Holford counted 68 students for an outside graduation and only 1 for the inside. The last conflict to deal with was over who would be setting up and taking down all the equipment outside. “I already have a list of people signed up to set up and clean up,” Holford said.
Parents are very upset with the recent decision in holding this year’s graduation in the gym. Not only are the seats limited, but the heat of the gym in the past has been humid and tight. When graduation was held outside last year, it was very hot, but a cool breeze brought just enough relief for everyone to survive the graduation ceremony. Having the event later in the afternoon, or even evening, could solve the heat problem. Two meetings have been held in order to make a final decision, and the next one is on the March 13th.
Parents are leaning towards outside while the school board prefers an inside graduation. Many parents are hoping and voting for another graduation ceremony outside since the gym has been re-done, causing the seating capacity to change. Before the bleachers were constructed, 1,000 seats were offered to those who attend graduation and sports games. Now, the bleachers have been limited to 800. Unfortunately that makes it harder for more family members to attend. Hopefully whatever the final decision is, graduation will be an enjoyable event.


School district announces plans for making up snow days

By Suely Ramos

Over the last three months, we have had seven school cancellations and three late starts due to the bad weather we had. At the school board meeting on February 13th, they decided on the dates that we would have to make up the time.

It was decided that they would eliminate spring conferences on March 6 and 7. Friday, April 14, which was previously a teacher work day will be a school day with an early release.

We also will have school Friday, May 12,  which was previously a day off for Junior Show. June 1st will be the last day for seniors, and the last day for students K-11 will now be June 13th, which will be a half day.
June 14th is on the calendar as a teacher workday, and students will not have school. When interviewed, most of the students I asked said that they agreed with the dates chosen to make up the snow days. Some said that it would have been better if we would’ve had Fridays be full days and just made up the days that way instead of adding extra days and having the last day be on June 13th.

With the addition to those days, the district will meet the requirements of the Oregon Department of Education, and it will provide the educational opportunities to the students of Milton-Freewater.  

Key Club: Matchomatics and Friday Food Pantry

Matchomatics was a fundraiser held by Key Club. They have ran this fundraiser for 3 days. Matchomatics is a survey students filled out to see who their “lover” is, and if they wanted to see who they got matched with they had to pay $3 to see who your “lover” is. The $3 went to a good cause. The money if for good causes, they use money to get supplies for families in need.
Key Club has been running a food pantry and a fundraiser. Key Club’s food pantry is staffed by community volunteers, and no Mac-Hi staff are able to volunteer for personal reasons. It is located in the old teacher's lounge by the computer lab going from 7th period to 1:30. It is available to ALL Mach-Hi students. They have 3 categories of food they serve, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. For breakfast they serve cereal, oatmeal, and peanut butter, and for lunch/dinner they have soup, chili, pasta, and canned tuna or chicken. They also have snack items; crackers with peanut butter or cheese, sometimes some fresh fruits of  apples and oranges, and to give you some protein, they give out protein bars. The maximum you can get it 2 items per category (breakfast, lunch, dinner_. No paper work is needed to go be aloud to get food from the food pantry so if you are hungry or need food to fill you up over the weekend, head down and grab items of the good food they give out.

Basketball Banquet Honors Players

By Sebastian Hernandez
Getting recognized for accomplishments on the court can be an exciting moment for an athlete, especially when your family and coaches are there. Many athletes were recognized for their participation in this year’s basketball season with a certificate, when the basketball season wrapped up Wednesday, February 22.
Each team voted for a teammate for a special award. For the girls C team, Julie Rasmussen was voted by her team MVP.  Most Inspirational was given to Tuva Storstrom, and Suely Ramos was given the award for Most Improved.
For Girls’ Junior Varsity, Kayla Casillas was voted “Most Inspirational” on her team. The award for “Most Improved” was given to Bianca Garcia, and she was also voted MVP.
For Girls’ Varsity, Sydney Earls was voted Most Inspirational. Most Improved was given to Kayla Casillas who also played in Vasrsity and JV, and the award for MVP was given to Sydney Richwine.
For Boys Junior Varsity, Carson Chester was voted by his teammates to be Most Inspirational. Armando Ruiz received the MVP award.
For Boys’ Varsity, Robert Wilks was voted Most Improved. The Most Inspirational award went to Alex Delgado.  This year’s Mr. Basketball award went to Alexis PIo.  

2016-2017 Awards
Julie Rasmussen -MVP
Tuva Storstrom - Most Inspirational
Suley Ramos - Most Improved

Kayla Casillas - Most Inspirational
Bianca Garcia - Most Improved
Bianca Garcia - MVP

Sydney Earls - Most Inspirational
Kayla Casillas - Most Improved
Sydney Richwine - MVP

Carson Chester - Most Inspirational
Armando Ruiz - MVP

Robert Wilks - Most Improved
Alex Delgado - Most Inspirational
Alexis Pio - Mr Basketball

Mac-Hi Ski Club Canceled for the Year

By: Jessica Burks

     Another year of snowboarding and skiing has came and gone quicker than we would have wished.
In previous years, Bluewood didn't have the harsh rules that they have now. Some examples are that 15 or more people have to be signed up to go; also we can’t combine Central and Mac-Hi students together to meet the minimum requirement .
Ms. Welsh and Mrs. Banek said that we plan on doing it next year hopefully. A change that they will make is that they will not be going to Bluewood next year because of all of the troubles that they have caused for them. They will  instead be trying to go to Anthony Lakes. Which is a ski resort located near La Grande.
There is no cost difference between going with the school and or not going with the school, however I know that there are few people that have willing parents to drive them often. Ms. Welsh and Mrs. Banek are not sure why Bluewood changed the rules because whether or not there were 15 people going they would still get some money/business that we had been providing.
Although Ski Club was cancelled for the season they are hopeful that it will return for next season. In conclusion, Ski club is a great opportunity for students to experience some outdoor winter fun.