April 20, 2016

Pioneers to Take Flight to Visit Italy and Greece

What can shape an individual's life? According to Mrs. Holden, traveling abroad can be one of the most impacting and life-changing experiences for a human being. There are about 22 students from McLoughlin High School that have the opportunity to have that type of experience.
Emily Holden, who teaches a variety of classes including speech, greenhouse management, and various other classes at McLoughlin High School, is taking 22 students and various adult supervisors on a tour of Italy and Greece this summer, June 21st through July 1st.
There are many attractions that the students are going to visit and learn about, including but not limited to the catacombs, various museums, and the Vatican. Sandra Pereyda, a senior, is most excited to visit all of the old ruins. She also sees this as a wonderful opportunity to explore and have adventure before going off to college. While she is excited about visiting many different places, she also finds the idea of being able to walk in the footsteps of those before us both intriguing and inspiring. 
Brandyn Chaney is most excited about the aspect of traveling and learning about a whole other culture. He is also ecstatic about the overnight trip on a cruise ship. Brandyn yearns for the chance to try authentic Italian pizza, and is curious about the local traditions and folklore of all the places they will be visiting in.
The trip has been planned and researched for two years now and most of the students have been doing all sorts of fundraising since the beginning to raise the money needed to take full potential of this wonderful opportunity. The trip itself costs about $4,000 dollars per person with added costs for food and spending money. Any students going must meet specific requirements like taking a class from Mrs. Holden, going to the meetings, and fundraising.

Those people attending the trip will have the best souvenir possible, their memories that they can look back on with fondness.

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