April 20, 2016

Mrs. Esser’s Climb to Stanford

Steffany Esser, Mac-Hi’s current Government and Foods teacher, has officially made plans to attend Stanford in Palo-Alto, California, for a Seminar this summer.
Thanks to her skills in college, during which time she became a Gilder Lehrman Scholar, the Gilder Lehrman Institute sends her information on such opportunities, which is how this one came her way. This being the first seminar she applied for, she’s slightly unsure how the experience will change her teaching methods and career, but is all smiles nonetheless and can’t wait to meet all of the many teachers from around the country that are going to be there.
She plans on taking a trip to one of our country’s most highly esteemed campus on July 24-29 and says she is ecstatic to see what the seminar has to offer. Being one of the 30 who was accepted to go to this seminar, Esser says that this seminar will focus specifically on the United States Supreme Court and how the court grew to have such a central role.Seminar participants will go back through historical court cases, such as Marbury V. Madison.
She explained how happy she was, saying that Stanford's campus sounds exciting and the topics have always interested her. She hopes to use what she learns in the classroom setting. From this experience, she said she hopes to gain “a deeper understanding of the role of the court in today’s society and how I can apply it in the classroom.”

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