February 24, 2016

New Classes Offered by Groff

Diane Groff is teaching two new classes this semester.
She is offering Medical Terminology, and  Technology.
Students are taking these courses to improve their skills sets for their career of choice. Keaton Smith said,“ I decided to take Medical Terminology because I want to become a pharmacist in the near future. I  believe that taking Medical Terminology will help benefit me in the long run for that career.”
Hunter Bamford who is taking the new Technology course said,” I decided to take this course because I want a future in windmill technology, and I believe that this course will help me get to where I would like to be.”

Keaton believes that it should be taught in the future. He believes that it is a useful course for many students who would love to pursue a career in the medical field. Hunter also believes that Technology should be taught as of now, because it gives the students taking the class insight that they might need for the career that they are wishing to take. Both Hunter and Keaton believe that both of these courses are very challenging, and are great to take if you are highly motivated to reach your career of choice, if you either wish to work in the medical field, or work in the technology area.

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