February 22, 2016

Gato Escapado

     Last Friday, a black fuzzball of adorably, loving cotton was found, shivering, in the stairwell between Thorstad's classroom and the Science Wing. First found by yours truly during third period, I escorted the cat outside, closing the door that lead to inside the school. The cat then sat by the window, crying loudly. After asking Thorstad what to do with the Pioneers' cat, the Spanish teacher replied by miming picking the cat up by its tail and swinging it over her head like a cowboy with a lasso. Over the course of the next two hours, Senior Diego Romero brought the feline into Mr. Lynn's class during fifth period, much to the first-year teacher's distress.
     Thankfully, Superhero-Cat Lady Sandra Pereyda, also a senior, saved the cat from a band of freshman and took it home during sixth period. If the cat is yours, please contact one of us so we can make sure that it returns home safely. For now, however, we can rest easy knowing that they're in a safe place currently.

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