February 24, 2016

Caitlin Green: A Girl Caught in the Moment

Caitlin Green, another in the long line that bears the family name, and is the fifth Green ever to be attending Mcloughlin High school, right after the first four; Derek, Kendall, Franny, and myself. This little queen enjoys doing what most of us can sympathize with; sleeping, eating, shopping, etc. Her favorite hobbies include hanging out with her friends and putting countless amounts of effort into making sure that her eyes, hair, and makeup are “on point”.
IMG_1708 (1).JPGThough she seems to be a quirky little girl, you wouldn’t have guessed that she’s hardcore enough to go to prison. For those of you who don’t know, she had the unexpected experience of spending a weekend in a juvenile detention facility. Looking back at it now, she says that she doesn’t mind sharing this story because it was all a big learning experience for her, and she has “No regrets.”  
On a particular weekend, Caitlin took a ride over to Walla Walla with some friends and ended up unintentionally breaking the window of what she believed to be a car shop. After an attempt to sneak away, she was inevitably caught, and we received a very distressing phone call. As shocking as it was, Caitlin is a wild card. In describing the experience, she said, “Imagine having everything and it’s perfect. Then you’re thrown into a desert- you feel so empty and without control, and have almost no freedom.” Describing the feelings of confinement, she continued, “When you’re not exercising, you have to find a way to pass the time in that place, which for me included reading books and sleeping.” Yet, it was an experience that came with a lesson “I learned that what you have right now is so valuable. Don’t take it for granted!” she said.
Some goals she wants to accomplish include going through her four years and graduating high school, then there’s the all too familiar goal of leaving this cozy little town and making her family proud by getting a successful career doing what she loves, which is currently leaning towards cosmetology. That should come as no surprise, considering she can spend anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour doing her hair and make-up. More importantly, she says that ever since she was little, she loved painting her nails- she was never into drawing or painting like all of her older siblings. Makeup is “her artform.” It distinguishes Caitlin from the rest of the family.
Being nearly the youngest in a family of six kids, she said her family life comes with its ups and downs. “They can be a real pain in the butt at times, but I love them in the end.” You can imagine just how “fun” it gets when it’s family night and we end up playing Monopoly. She says that a great upside to having so many siblings come before her is that there’s more than enough advice to go around. She doesn’t worry about how bad things may get because she knows that she has a family to back her up.

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