June 09, 2016

Summer: The Season for Adventures (Opinion Column)


Why stay home and watch Netflix all summer when you could be going out and having crazy adventures? Last summer was almost completely wasted for me, binge watching too many T.V. series on Netflix. I have realized that there is more to experience in life than watching characters act on a small screen.
In the last few months, I have climbed on top of both of the water towers in Milton, gone to the middle of nowhere in a truck standing on it while it was moving 50 mph, I have eaten watermelon at midnight at the View Point, and had many other random crazy adventures. I did all of that stuff because it is a lot better than simply staying at home doing nothing.
I used to go home home every single day to take naps, but why waste your life away sleeping? You won't remember the nights you stayed home and did nothing, but you will remember the times you went out and did wondrous things that are worth remembering. I promise you that.
There has been some factual information that actually shows why teenagers tend to make stupid decisions. Their prefrontal cortex isn’t fully developed until about the age of 21. The prefrontal cortex it the part of your brain that helps you choose what is right from wrong. So there is actually a reason as to why teenagers tend to do stupid things at times. Teens like to take risks because it is exhilarating. They like to take chances and to be free.
Parents and friends tend to be quite worried about their teenage family members and loved ones.  They wonder to extent they might go. They worry about teens doing extreme crazy stuff.
Here are better ways to take less-risky risks. Just go out for a drive late at night. Go with some friends to sit somewhere, simply look at the stars, and talk for hours. Go exploring. Go camping. Do everything your heart desires, but just make sure that you are safe.

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