June 09, 2016

How to Have the Best Camping Trip


    There are a few essential things that you must do when going on a family camping trip:
  1. You must stay in a tent, not in a camper.
    When camping, you should always stay in a tent. Staying in a camper takes the fun away from being outdoors. If you hear rustling outside your tent, it’s probably a deer, or it’s someone trying to play a joke. Either way, it’s equally exciting to know you’re braving the outdoors.
  1. You must always bring enough chocolate for s'mores.
    Make sure you have a campfire wherever you set up camp. It’s a real shame if you don’t, and you miss out on the goodness of s’mores. You will always have a great time catching up with your family over roasted marshmallows, melted chocolate, and graham crackers. You can tell ghost stories around the fire, sing songs, and just have a great time in your family's company.  
  1. You must fish for at least two hours even if you don’t catch anything.
    It’s never camping without fishing. You should always pack your fishing rods and some bait. Even if you forget the bait, you can definitely find some worms or grasshoppers to use. Some days you, won’t catch anything. You’ll stand there for a half an hour, get discouraged, and want to call it quits. You can’t do this. Sooner or later, you will catch a fish, so you have to keep trying. That moment of reeling in that first catch makes the waiting worth it. Don’t give up!
  1. If you see a rope, you should definitely swing off of it.
    There is almost always a rope dangling over most lakes you might camp by. Whether it’s sturdy, or not, is another question... All you have to do is swing off of it one time. That’s all it takes, and already you’ll be braver than all the kids that didn’t. You may be scared at first, but remember, if a bunch of eight year olds can do it, you can too! All you have to do is take a risk.
  1. If you see a cliff, you should NOT jump off of it.

    Don’t try this at home, kids!

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