November 06, 2015

Mac-Hi's New 'Text Alert' System

download.jpg Looking at the school's official website, I noticed that they have added a new way to contact your parents. They now have what is called a text alert, and it’s when they text your parents instead of calling when you are absent. So, if you are one of those kids who just delete the message or your parents aren’t
home, watch out! Parents have an option to opt into getting the text, and this will go into effect at parent teacher conferences.
The school decided that it wasn’t very effective to call the homes of students because of parents not getting home to hear it or to answer the call. For a parent to opt out, they will have to tell the teacher or the school. If your parents are going to the conferences on Monday and Tuesday, then they will be hearing about it and or being taught about online grade checking. Too many kids think this seems unnecessary or ridiculous, but this is needed. Colleges look at attendance records, and it may have a huge effect on you. Parents can get into trouble if you aren’t showing up to class, so go to class. Remember, at conferences parents will be informed about the text alert, and online grade checking.

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