March 01, 2016

Different (a poem)

The other day I was ricocheting slowly
off the blue walls of the room,
Wondering if I would ever be like them.
I walk differently, talk differently, think differently,
but most of all, I feel differently than they do.

I recall the fact that this style of wondering
started a long time ago.
I knew when I was about five
that  I would never be the same,
I would never fully belong.

As I sit on this bus, pondering the force,
that causes me to be an outcast,
I hear the conversations and the joyful
laughing of the other girls,
the ones that I will never be like.

I start to shiver and feel alone,
for they never seem to notice me
when starting their pointless conversations.
Oh, how I long to be included,
if only for a second.

by Jae Hagar

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