February 16, 2017

Enjoying This Valentine’s Day (No Matter What)

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     What is Valentine’s Day to you? Is it a celebration or another defeat? There are many perspectives when this romantic holiday rolls around. Some are excited to spend the day with their significant other while others have their nights booked to romantic movies, ice cream and broken hearts.
     Now there’s nothing wrong with being single. In fact it might be better. You don’t have to bother with buying anything for them and this is the perfect opportunity to get together with your single ladies! While couples are making out, you and your girls can be hanging out and having a good time! GO OUT. Go to the movies, roller skating, shopping, baking, or have a movie night with close friends. Anything to keep you from being alone and upset! Just get up and do something this year. Don’t sit at home feeling sorry for yourself! You deserve to feel good and special even if you’re single.
     So most people expect single girls to sit at home watching romance movies right? But what movies do they watch? Or what is the top favorites? Twenty girls were surveyed to answer their favorite movie out of: The Fault in Our Stars, 50 First Dates, The Notebook, and The Parent Trap. The top most selected was: The Fault in Our Stars - 8 votes; 50 First Dates - 5 votes; The Notebook - 4 votes; The Parent Trap -3 votes. So if you don’t know what to watch, there’s a few romances to keep you busy. (By the way, The Parent Trap is totally a romance. Just Google it.)

Being in a relationship:

     Valentine’s Day can be looked forward to when in a relationship. You go out and try to find the right flowers or perfect gift only to realize, it’s not all about the gifts. When being asked, “What is your favorite thing to receive?” Sydney Dibble gives a heartfelt answer. “What comes from the heart is most important to me,” she states. “It doesn’t have to cost anything, just something that has a special meaning to me.”
     Her favorite part of Valentine’s Day is spending time with loved ones. Her ideal date would be watching the sunset in the back of a truck with blankets and pillows. As the interview came to a close she gave a small piece of advice for others to hear. “Cherish moments you have together and be honest and truthful with one another.”